═══ 1. Readme First ═══ NEF Readme First ═══ 1.1. Files in the archive ═══ Files in the original archive: File_Id.Diz The standard archive description Nef.Exe The executable Nef.Ico An Icon for NEF Nef1.Ico Another Icon for NEF Nef.Inf The Inf hypertextual Manual Readme.1st This file Whatsnew.Txt Changes and additions Nef_Ful.Cfg The full example configuration file Nef_Pnt.Cfg The minimal example cfg for points Ticarea.Cfg The example area configuration Compress.Cfg The example archiver-definition Prefix.Nef The example announcement prefix Suffix.Nef The example announcement suffix NefHelp.Txt The example Link Robot help file Nef.Doc The user's manual License.Doc The license for using this software Register.Doc Info on Registration Register.For The registration form BmtMicro.For The BMT Micro registration form PsL.Crd The PsL Credit Card registration form supplement OS/2 Only PmHatch.Exe The PM hatch executable PmHatch.Ico An Icon to be associated to "Nef Send" feature\ Feature.Dll An example Feature Dll Feature.C Its source NeFeat.H The necessary Include file Dos Only Dos4Gw.Exe Dos Extender (major releases only) If you have a maintenance release of the program, the dos extender will not be included, to avoid unnecessary distribution costs. Note: The Icons are kindly made available by Andrea Vavassori of 2:331/219. The OS/2 Inf manual is provided with other versions too, since there are INF viewers under Dos. For example, the very nice viewer by Damir Ujcic: VIEW01.ZIP, available for F/R from 2:332/504@fidonet: it contains a text mode viewer in both OS/2 and Dos versions. ═══ 1.2. Whatsnew ═══ Whatsnew If you are using an older version of the program, please read WhatsNew.Txt before using this version. ═══ 1.3. How to contact the author ═══ How to contact the author If you have suggestions, bug reports, observations about the docs, please feel free to contact me at the following addresses: Alberto Pasquale of 2:332/504@fidonet alberto.pasquale@mo.nettuno.it 2:332/504@fidonet +39-59-246112 ISDNC V34+ VFC V32T H16 2:332/524@fidonet +39-59-246113 ISDNC V34 VFC V32T H16 FAX Alberto Pasquale, Viale Verdi 106, 41100 Modena, Italy IMPORTANT: if you call crash and require an answer, please state whether you want it routed (might not be reliable) or ON HOLD (in which case an answer should be available in 48h maximum, apart from the holiday periods). ═══ 1.4. Support ECHO ═══ Support ECHO I am originating an international support echo for all my programs. If you are interested, please ask your echo feeder to find a suitable link for the APWORKS area. In addition, I regularly read the international OS2BBS echo. ═══ 1.5. TIC distribution ═══ TIC distribution All my BBS related programs are distributed via a TIC file area. If you want to join, please ask your file feeder to find a suitable link for the APBBS (OS/2) and/or APBBSDOS (Dos/NT) area. Beta versions are distributed without restrictions in APBBSBETA and APBBSDOSBETA respectively. ═══ 1.6. APWorks Programs and Support Areas ═══ Where to look for APWorks Programs and Support Areas In North America the APWORKS support echo should be easily available, since it is on the Zone 1 backbone. The following systems carry the ApWorks echo and file areas: Author's APWORKS Alberto Pasquale, Modena, Italy alberto.pasquale@mo.nettuno.it 2:332/504@fidonet +39-59-246112 ISDNC V34+ VFC V32T H16 2:332/524@fidonet +39-59-246113 ISDNC V34 VFC V32T H16 File requests could be declined between 23:00 and 06:00 GMT. Request APFILES for a (short) list of APWORKS files only. Europe ApWorks_Germany Roland Schiradin, Eltville, Germany degr9tr9@ibmmail.com 2:2454/169@fidonet Cyberia/2 Harald Kamm, Bamberg, Germany 2:2490/3045@fidonet McBears Cave Jens Holm, Skanderborg, Denmark 2:238/888@fidonet MufNet HQ Paul Bergquist, Hollviken, Sweden 2:200/146@fidonet paul.bergquist@moderat.se paulb@sbbs.se The BackRoom/2 BBS Martin Davies, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom gbear@backroom.baynet.co.uk 2:442/617@fidonet Air Applewood Vince Coen, Roydon, Harlow, Essex, United Kingdom 2:257/609@fidonet PULSAR BBS Branko Radojevic, Dubrovnik, Croatia branko@pfdu.hr sysop@pulsar.fido.hr 2:381/124@fidonet North America COMM Port OS/2 Bob Juge, Sugar Land, TX, USA bob@juge.com 1:106/2000@fidonet The CrossRoads Dave Reed, Puyallup, WA, USA dreed@aa.net 1:138/135@fidonet Eclectic Lab 1 Mary-Anne Wise, New Westminster, BC, Canada 1:153/831@fidonet Australia Tardis BBS Malcolm Miles, North Balwyn, VIC, Australia 3:633/260@fidonet ═══ 1.6.1. File Areas on the Internet ═══ File Areas on the Internet UK ftp.enterprise.net /apworks ftp.baynet.co.uk /pub/apworks/os2 /pub/apworks/dos /pub/apworks/beta USA ftp.juge.com ftp.coast.net /SimTel/vendors/maximus ftp.wilmington.net /bmtmicro Only the final release versions of programs that can be registered via Bmt Micro. ═══ 1.7. Latest Versions ═══ How to Request the Latest Version of APWORKS Programs The following magics are honoured by APWORKS and some of the support sites: Magic Name Description APFILES ApFiles.Lst List of Programs by Alberto Pasquale FASTLST FLST???.RAR OS/2 The ultimate v7 Nodelist processor. Fully automated processing and maintenance, no need for clumsy batch files. Can report to Squish or *.MSG areas, multitasking friendly, many options. FASTLSTD FLSTD???.RAR DOS FASTLSTW FLSTW???.RAR NT FASTLSTG German Docs by Roland Schiradin Available on 2:2454/169 NEF NEF???.RAR OS/2 TIC file distribution and announcement for Binkley-style outbound and *.MSG or Squish message base, file-Areafix included with FileBone support, full multitasking aware (BSY, file sharing etc.), exceptionally flexible Multi-Aka support. NEFD NEFD???.RAR DOS 32 bit only, w DOS4GW extender. NEFW NEFW???.RAR NT NEFG German Docs by Roland Schiradin Available on 2:2454/169 FLM FLM???.RAR OS/2 File List Manager for Maximus, very flexible way of compiling many different lists at a time. Internal file base support (no need for FBP). FLMD FLMD???.RAR DOS 32 bit only, w DOS4GW extender. NMFW NMFW???.RAR OS/2 Multi-Robot: netmail forward to Sysop's point, Maximus user and file management via netmail messages, areafix for squish, point routing to their boss if no phone number for them in the nodelist, etc. NMFWD NMFWD???.RAR DOS 32 bit only, w DOS4GW extender. QFB QFB???.RAR OS/2 Substitute for FBP.EXE Generates a separate file-request index with no duplicates. QFBD QFBD???.RAR DOS 32 bit only, w DOS4GW extender QFBG German Docs by Roland Schiradin Available on 2:2454/169 SQPRV SQPV???.RAR OS/2 Local area (private/public) forward to points for Squish. The (Co)SysOp points can receive the whole area. SQPRVD SQPVD???.RAR DOS ----- SQFM100.RAR OS/2 Allows to change the "from address" of PKTs before they are compressed. To be used with Squish. For example, it is useful to Hub coordinators who want to continue processing mail with their primary address for current links while processing with the administrative address for their uplink BackBone. FreeWare. ----- SqSetAll.Rar OS/2 Sets renum limits in all Squish Areas taking the parameters from Squish.Cfg. ----- SqSetDos.Rar DOS Dos version. ----- AdjFDate.Rar OS/2 Changes by +-N days the File Date. Can choose between Creation and Modification dates on HPFS. Show and Touch options. ----- AdjF_Dos.Rar DOS Changes by +-N days the File Date. Current versions (May 20th 1996): NEF 2.34, FastLst 1.32 (1.33 for OS/2), FLM 1.34, NMFWD 2.03, QFB 1.08, SQPrv 1.04. ═══ 1.8. Bug Reports ═══ Bug Reports If you find out a real bug, I will do my best to fix it and make the new version available in a few days. To do that, I need your cooperation: when you find a strange behaviour, double check your configuration and the manual to be really sure it's not your fault, then study the conditions in which the bug appears and, in the end, send me your detailed report about the bug together with your config file and all the stuff necessary to replicate the problem. I can fix a bug only if I am enabled to reproduce it ! ═══ 1.9. Wish List ═══ Wish List To help me provide a better and better program, please let me know your problems and your wishes about future versions. Please let me know your opinion: Alberto Pasquale 2:332/504@fidonet alberto.pasquale@mo.nettuno.it BBS: +39-59-246112 ISDNC V34+ VFC V32T H16 BBS/FAX: +39-59-246113 ISDNC V34 VFC V32T H16 FAX Viale Verdi 106 41100 Modena Italy ═══ 2. Whatsnew ═══ NEF Changes and Additions ═══ 2.1. 2.34 ═══ 2.34 Public Release, May 20 1996 - Extension of the PassThru concept. If you specify the "-0" flag in a FileArea definition, when you do "Nef Clean", the files not currently referenced in outbound attaches are deleted. If you specify "-0", the files in that area will not be deleted until they become older than _AND_ there is no file attach pointing to them. Example: FileArea Area1 \file\area1\ O -030 2:345/678 I123/4 Files in \file\area1 will be deleted when older than 30 days _and_ not referenced by any file attach. - OS/2: New "KillDate Write|Creation" statement. To specify the date to be used for evaluating the file age that triggers the file deletion in passthru areas. This statement is useful for HPFS, ignored on FAT. If none specified, "Creation" is assumed. Example: KillDate Write - New extended "-0" switch for the "NewAreasFrom" statement. - OS/2: New parameters "Creation" and "Write" for the Touch keyword. You can configure the type of "touch" you need. Examples: Touch ; default: touch the Creation (upload) date Touch Creation ; same as default Touch Write ; touch the Last Write date Touch Creation Write ; touch both dates - Fixed bug introduced in 2.32 which caused an access violation in the "query" type commands if AreaDescWrap was not used in the config file. - Added check to prevent access violation when interactive hatch is used with @diz and CompressCfg is NOT defined. Now an error is reported. - Added check to prevent that NEF reports "Empty command" when no MaxAreaCompile statement is used. - Enhanced INF Documentation. ═══ 2.2. 2.33 ═══ 2.33 Public Release, Mar 13 1996 - A bug in the squish.cfg parsing routines has been found: if an area is defined with NOTHING after the path, this area cannot be opened. The problem usually happens when AreaTag specifies a *.MSG netmail with NO flags in Squish.Cfg. ═══ 2.3. 2.32 ═══ 2.32 Public Release, Mar 13 1996 - New registration options: BMT Micro, NC, USA and Vince Coen, UK. - If the file description contains high ascii codes (>127), the announcements will now contain remapped plain-ASCII characters. - You can allow High Ascii characters in some (or even all) areas by the use of the "HighAsciiOk" statement in the global or local-override announcement sections. - New (global) statement: UniqueDmpLine. Makes NEF generate FILES.DMP filebase files with descriptions on one line only (multiple lines are concatenated). By default, NEF outputs multi-line descriptions without changes to FILES.DMP: when using L)ocate and N)ewfiles commands, Maximus will respect the original formatting, but the continuation lines will be aligned to the left. When this statement is used, the original formatting of descriptions is lost (in the filebase) but Maximus will be able to word-wrap and align when executing L)ocate or N)ewfiles commands. - Added check to prevent misconfiguration of the "AreaTag" statement: it's ILLEGAL to use "AreaTag MyTag -$". You must either use "AreaTag MyTag" (if SquishCfg is used) or "AreaTag MyTag c:\bbs\mail\mytag -$". In other words: when you let NEF lookup the TAG in Squish.cfg, it is smart enough to find out the area type on its own ! - When hatching from command line, it is now legal to specify @diz without specifying a short description: it will be considered empty. I still strongly recommend to always specify a "short" description besides the optional "long" one. Example Nef Hatch c:\file\filename.ext TAG @diz is now equivalent to: Nef Hatch c:\file\filename.ext TAG "" @diz - Changed a typedef in NEFEAT.H, so that it does not create problems with IBM compilers (thanks to Michael Hohner). - OS/2: New mnemonic characters for PmHatch PushButtons. ═══ 2.4. 2.31 ═══ 2.31 Private Beta, Mar 3 1996 - Fixed problem with UNC filenames that start with a double backslash (on LANs). ═══ 2.5. 2.30 ═══ 2.30 Public Release, Feb 19 1996 - Check added to prevent NEF from issuing a forward request to multiple uplinks for the same area, when a TAG is contained in more than one Filebone file. - New cfg statement: "ForwardWildReq". Starting with ver 2.30, by default, TicFix requests with wildcards are NOT forwarded to the filebones; this verb enables even this type of request forward. - Additional check in PmHatch: if no "short" description is specified, the user is prompted about whether he really means to hatch with no (short) description. - Updated Docs. ═══ 2.6. 2.26 ═══ 2.26 Public Beta, Jan 22 1996 - COMPATIBILITY WARNING: New override priority sequence for "from AKA". The highest priority is that of the "Area AKA": if you have defined an area aka (#
in FileArea definition), it will always be the "from address" for TICs from this area. Then there is the aka override of "FileLink" definitions. If a node has a "from aka" specified in it's FileLink definition, it will be used for all TICs addressed to this node, unless there is an overriding "Area AKA". If no override is applicable from FileArea and FileLink definitions, then an aka match is attempted: if the "to-address" has a zone that matches an address defined in NEF.CFG, then the first match is used. If none of the previous cases applies, the primary address is used (the first address defined in nef.cfg). - New command line options for hatch commands. "@bbs" can be used in the place of the normal description: NEF will take (if existent) from the files.bbs. "@diz" can be used as a further optional parameter (after the "short" description) to make NEF take the "long" description from the file_id.diz contained in the archive. Examples: nef hatch d:\apbbs\nef999.rar APBBS "Nef 9.99" nef hatch d:\apbbs\nef999.rar APBBS @bbs nef hatch d:\apbbs\nef999.rar APBBS "Nef 9.99" @diz nef hatch d:\apbbs\nef999.rar APBBS @bbs @diz - New "Single Hatch" option. If you Hatch/Catch/Match/Send a file with the -d command line switch, it is sent to only. can be any 4D address: in the case it is defined as a link in the matching "FileArea" or even only as a "FileLink", the specified akas, password and switches are applied. If, on the contrary, is a unknown address, the Hold flavour is used, no password is put in the TIC and the "from" aka is derived from an aka-match on the zone. Example: Nef -d2:332/504.2 hatch - Now NEF is able to add new (created) areas to the Maximus filearea.ctl or equivalent. There are two new configuration statements: MaxAreaAdd [] MaxAreaCompile is the fully qualified name of the Maximus file-area definition file. protects areas of higher privilege from being automatically added to the Maximus configuration. The level and keys are to be compared to those of ProtArea statements and FileBone files. is the Maximus access string to be used in for the new area. is the optional specification of a division where you want to put new areas. If not specified or not found, the new areas will be appended at the end of . is an external command to be executed before NEF ends, from the Maximus system directory. It should be used to compile the new Maximus configuration via SILT/SILTP. The area name is taken equal to the area TAG, with dots changed to underscores. The area description is taken from the FileBone files if available, otherwise it is taken equal to the area TAG. Example: MaxAreaAdd d:\max\filearea.ctl 0 Transient Tic.New MaxAreaCompile siltp max -a -2a The new areas, will be inserted at the end of division "Tic.New" in the file "d:\max\filearea.ctl", with an access string of "Transient". Areas with protection level above 0 or any protection key will NOT be added to maximus configuration. Before terminating, NEF will invoke the SILTP compiler to update the area configuration. The command will be executed after changing the current directory to the Maximus system one (probably d:\max\). - The filebone-style files now accept the specification of keys after level. Example: Area NODEDIFF 0/f ! FidoNet: Weekly NodeList Updates - The default message size is of 12KB. The new cfg statement "MsgSize " allows to specify a different size (minimum 8KB). Usually a larger message size is useful to avoid too many messages in reports of filebone availability. Anyway, please be careful not to use a size larger than your downlinks can handle. Example: MsgSize 90000 - Fast Netmail Scan in Squish area. The pointer to the last scanned message is stored in .NEF. - New cfg statement "NoRaidBeforeHatch" to avoid the scanning of netmail before the execution of hatch commands. This could be useful to avoid delays with huge *.MSG netmail areas. - The tear line now reports the OS version (OS/2 or DOS) and a '+' after the version number in the case of a registered copy ("Evaluation" for unregistered copies, as before). - Errorlevels for Lock and Close error on message areas have been dropped: if a Lock error happens, NEF will exit with the Open area errorlevel; in the case of a Close error, NEF will continue after issuing an error message. - TICs received with no password in "NoSecure" mode are accepted anyway. - Area aka overrides are reported by the nef filefix robot when answering to query type commands. OS/2 Only: - Added support for Feature DLLs: Two new configuration statements are supported: FeatureLoad Feature "FeatureLoad" allows to load a "Feature" DLL. can be a simple filename without extension (".DLL" implied) if the DLL is in the LibPath, otherwise a fully qualified filename can be specified. "Feature" allows to specify configuration statements that are to be parsed by the DLL. Multiple FeatureLoad statements are allowed, in which case the Feature statements refer to the last loaded DLL. An Example DLL, named "Feature.Dll" is provided, with source. Example (works with the example DLL): FeatureLoad Feature Feature OutPrefix "New File Received: " ═══ 2.7. 2.21 ═══ 2.21 Public Beta, Jan 1 1996 - This should be the last beta before a new "final" release. - COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The old "AreaList" configuration statement has been dropped. In some cases you could use the new "HelpFile" statement to point to the file you used with "AreaList". - New "HelpFile " configuration statement. The specified will be sent (via netmail) by the FileFix robot when help is requested. - New switches can be used on the subject of messages addressed to the FileFix robot: -h to ask for help. -q remains "query": list of all areas. -l now means "linked": list of linked areas only. -u to get a list of unlinked areas only. Only the first letter is checked, so you could use "-query" instead of the simple abbreviation "-q". - New commands are now available in the body of the messages addressed to the FileFix robot. Besides add/delete commands for areas, you can use: %Help same as -h %Query same as -q %List same as -q %Linked same as -l %Unlinked same as -u - New "FileBone" support. NEF is now able to use information distributed via the FileBone.Na and FileBone.No files. Many useful functions are allowed by the use of these files, so, even if you do not receive them from your uplink, you could evaluate the possibility of creating "filebone" style files on your own, just to store some information that can be retrieved by NEF. - The format for the filebone style is: Area is the TIC area Tag. The original filebone format allows 8 character maximum but NEF is not that limited. is the protection level of the area, for "filefix" (raid) functions. The original format allows the range 0-4095 while NEF allows 0-65535. is a combinaton of !.*& and possibly other characters. ! : Can be found at any Filebone Hub. . : Only on some Filebone Hubs. * : Any node can hatch into. & : Do not send to downlinks. Others : Private distribution. Examples: ! : normal area from the uplink to its downlinks, available on all Filebone Hubs. !*& : return channel from the downlinks to their uplink, available on all Filebone Hubs. .* : bidirectional area (any node can hatch into), available on some Filebone hubs only. is the description for the area. Example: Area APBBS 0 P ApWorks OS/2 BBS programs Area NODEDIFF 0 ! FidoNet: Weekly NodeList Updates - New configuration verb: FileBone [ [

    Multiple FileBone statements are possible.

     is the filename of the filebone-style file.

    If you want to enable the forward of requests for new
    areas from your downlinks to your uplink(s), you must
    specify the following fields (to be enclosed between
    quotes when containing space) so that they can be used to
    write netmail messages to your uplink's Raid:

     is the "from" name.

     is the "to" name.

     is the "to" 4D address.

     is a [/keys] specification, to limit the
       access of downlinks to request forwards addressed
       to  for the areas described in .

 is an optional string to be prefixed to the area
       Tags that are being requested.


    FileBone \bbs\FileBone.Na "Alberto Pasquale" SysOp 2:332/1 0

    The "\bbs\FileBone.Na" file is used by NEF, also for
    request forwards.

    When a downlink requests an area that is not currently
    defined in the NEF configuration (usually TicArea.Cfg)
    but is described in FileBone.Na, a netmail message is
    written by NEF from "Alberto Pasquale" to "SysOp" of
    2:332/1 using the appropriate "from address" aka and
    "subject" (password) as per the "FileLink" definition of
    2:332/1. The body contains a list of the requested area
    Tags, one per line.

    No ( = "0") protection is specified (any downlink
    has access to request forwards).

    FileBone \bbs\FB.SP "Alberto Pasquale" SysOp 2:332/1 30/a +

    Only downlinks with level equal or above 30 and with the
    'A' key have access to request forwards. The requested
    tags will be preceded by "+".

    If you need a space between the '+' and the tag, then you
    must specify a 
 that contains a space, so you have
    to enclose it in quotes:

    FileBone \bbs\FB.SP "Alberto Pasquale" SysOp 2:332/1 0 "+ "

   - The forwarded requests are stored in a file named after
    the configuration one, changing the extension to ".Fwd".
    Usually the configuration file is "Nef.Cfg", so the
    forwarded requests will be stored in "Nef.Fwd".

    The format is:  , i.e. every line contains a
    Tag followed by the 4D Address of the downlink that made
    the request.

    When a new area is created, NEF looks into this file in
    order to find nodes to be added to the new "FileArea"

   - A node is entitled to add an area only if it has level
    and keys that match the requirements from BOTH the
    "ProtArea" statements in Nef.Cfg and the 
    specification in a FileBone file (if available).

   - The various area-listing commands will list the
    descriptions contained in the FileBone files.

   - When the FileFix robot is requested a list of areas that
    are not linked, it will list also those available to the
    requesting node from the filebone.

   - New cfg statement:



    AreaDescWrap 25 79

    The descriptions returned by the filefix functions will
    be word-wrapped so that continuation lines start with
     spaces and do not exceed column .

   - New extended syntax for the Netmail statement:

    NetMail  [-$] [-p]

    The new -p switch allows to specify a primary
    address for the netmail area. NEF will use this address
    to write the messages to the FileBone's FileFix to the
    correct netmail area.

    If you have multiple netmails, please add the primary
    address specification in all but the "default" netmail

   - New command line command:

    NEF NOTIFY [ALL |  ...]

    The Notify command sends a list of linked areas to the
    specified links.


    NEF Notify
    NEF Notify All

    Sends notification to all links.

    NEF Notify 2:332/504 81:449/9108

    Sends notifications to the 2 specified addresses.

═══ 2.8. 2.20 ═══

2.20  Public Beta, Dec 03 1995

   - New type of hatch with copy:

    If you use "NEF CATCH", the specified file is copied to
    the destination area and hatched.

   - Multi-Line files.bbs descriptions are now supported.
    To enable this feature the way you like, please use the
    "MultiLineDesc  []" statement, specifying the
    continuation column and character.

    For example, to have the 2nd and following description
    lines in files.bbs start at column 31, use:

    MultiLineDesc 31

    To have the continuation lines preceded by a '|'
    character, use:

    MultiLineDesc 29 |

   - Modified routines for PassThru clean-up.

    Previously passthru areas HAD to be defined using a
    separate path for each area. Now NEF works correctly even
    if you define many areas with the same path.

    Anyway this is not a recommended practice, since slightly
    different files with the same name could arrive from
    different areas causing a CRC mismatch.

  OS/2 Only:

   - New Pm Hatch.
    To invoke the PM hatch program you must type "NEF send".
    The PmHatch program is very simple and intuitive to use:
    see the following description.

    You can select the destination Area Tag via a drop-down
    list: just click with the mouse on the button at the
    right of the entry field.

    You have three radio buttons to select the "type" of
    hatch (normal, with Copy, with Move), just as you use
    Hatch/Catch/Match from the command line.

    You can choose the file to be hatched via a file dialog
    box: just click on the "Browse" push button on the right
    of the field.

    You can also specify a "Replace" file via a file-dialog
    by clicking on the "Browse" push-button on the right of
    the "Repl" field.

    When doing Copy or Move, the files.bbs of the destination
    area is updated and the "replace" file (if specified) is
    deleted, just as if the file were tossed from the

    You can mark the "No Local Kill" checkbox to prevent NEF
    from deleting the "replace" file in the local area.

    You can load a "short description" (Desc) from the
    files.bbs, by clicking on the "FilesBbs" push-button.

    You can load a multi-line "long description" (Long Desc)
    from the File_Id.Diz inside the archive, from the
    Files.Bbs or from a specified file (Arc Diz, FilesBbs,
    File push-buttons respectively).

    If you do not have the "CompressCfg " statement
    in Nef.Cfg, the "Arc Diz" push-button will be disabled.

    Of course you can always fill-in or modify any field

    Now look at the five push-buttons at the bottom of the
    hatch dialog:

    : to exit the dialog and hatch all the entered files.

    : to visualize the previous hatch entry.

    : to create a new (empty) entry in order to hatch
        another file.

    : to copy the visualized entry to the first free
        position, in order to hatch another file by
        modifying the current entry.

     or ESC: to cancel the current entry.

    ALT-F4 or "Close", to abort (cancell all the hatch

   - Please note that the PmHatch.Exe file must be in the path
    when you invoke "Nef Send". In the case the PmHatch
    program terminates abnormally, the NEF program will
    wait for it indefinitely: you can stop it using CTRL-C or

   - To allow the extraction of File_Id.Diz while using the Pm
    Hatch, use the "CompressCfg " statement to
    specify the location and name of a "Squish style"

    CompressCfg c:\squish\compress.cfg

═══ 2.9. 2.19 ═══

2.19  Public Beta, Oct 04 1995

   - Please note:

    APWORKS has changed phone number:

    2:332/504@fidonet +39-59-246112 ISDNC/V34/VFC/V32T/H16
    2:332/524@fidonet +39-59-246113 ISDNC/V34/VFC/V32T/H16/FAX

    A new registration site is available:

    Jens Holm of 2:238/888@fidonet
    Skanderupgade 9, D2
    8660 Skanderborg

    Price: 125.- DKR.

    Can be paid cash, check or postal order.

   - ATTENTION: this version is for use with Maximus 3.00;
    support for Maximus 2.0x has been dropped. If you still
    use Max 2.0x you have to disable filebase support or
    continue using version 2.18.
    If you do not use Maximus, you can obviously use whatever
    version of NEF you like.

   - New mutual exclusive semaphore flag "FileBase.Bsy" used
    to avoid concurrent access and modification of the
    filebase by other ApWorks programs.
    There is no need to delete this flag if it is not deleted
    after a power failure or abnormal termination (ApWorks
    programs are smart enough to realize whether the flag is
    really in use or not).

   - New errorlevel 17 for FileBase Busy Timeout.

   - Support for the "MAXIMUS" environment variable: the
    "MaxPrm" cfg statement is now only an override.
    Please note that if the "MAXIMUS" variable is not
    defined, you must use the "MaxPrm" statement BEFORE

   - When the files are touched in HPFS, the creation date is
    modified, not the modification one, in order to make the
    files recognized as new by Maximus and FLM without
    changing the date that is normally shown and transferred:
    you "see" and transfer to your downlinks the original
    date of the file while Maximus and FLM are able to
    realize that the file is new.

   - WildTags are now interpreted following the "OS/2 style"
    for file wildcards: "*LOC*" specifies all tags that
    contain "LOC"; "FW???" specifies all tags that have up
    to three characters after "FW", etc.

═══ 2.10. 2.18 ═══

2.18  Public Beta, Aug 28 1995

   - KeepSeenBy statement dropped: SeenBys are now already

   - SeenBys are now always fully processed as they should.

   - Points are not included in the SeenBys of TICs addressed
    to other links, to avoid unnecessarily huge lists of

   - Fixed bug of Dos 2.17 version that prevented NEF from
    moving files between different logical drives.

   - Description is now formatted between columns 4 and 79, to
    make descriptions with empty lines look better.

   - The outbound functions (Out, OutView, Clean) can now
    handle 2000 files instead of 1000 (?UT, ?LO).

   - PassThru areas implemented: new "-0" option in "FileArea"

    FileArea   I|O|* [#] [-0] [[[link]...]

    When the "-0" is specified, the area is "PassThru", that
    is its files will be deleted when already sent to all the

    Please note that ANY file (apart from FILES.*) present in
     and not attached to any system will be deleted.

   - Since it might be not efficient to always scan the entire
    outbound to check for passthru files to be deleted, NEF
    must be instructed to do so.
    There are two ways to make NEF delete old passthru files:
    - Use -p command line switch.
    - Use CLEAN command line command.


    NEF -p

     Makes NEF operate as usual, but it will clean the
     PassThru areas before terminating.

    NEF -p OUT

    Makes NEF clean the PassThru areas and report the status
    of Outbound. This is the most efficient use, since NEF
    must scan the outbound once to make two different things
    ("clean passthru" and "outbound report").


    Makes NEF clean the PassThru.

   - The OUT and OUTVIEW commands are now equivalent for
    message output. When using file output ("NEF OUT Out.Txt"
    or "NEF OUTVIEW Out.Txt") OUT generates a concise
    Outbound analysis (no specification of each and every
    attached file), while OUTVIEW generates a full report.

   - The  special tag in "Announce" statements now makes
    NEF write a concise outbound report.

   - The new  special tag provides for a detailed
    outbound analysis.

   - New special tag  represents all passthru areas.
    If you want to keep NEF from announcing files received
    in PassThru areas, just use "NoAnnounce ".

   - New extensions in "NewAreasFrom" statement:

    NewAreasFrom  [#] [-0] []

    The "-0" switch allows to create PassThru areas when a
    unknown TAG is encountered.

    The  is an override for the global "NewAreasPath"

═══ 2.11. 2.17 ═══

2.17  Public Beta, Aug 10 1995

   - 16 bit versions dropped.

   - (OS/2) EAs are now copied together with the file, when it
    must be moved from inbound to the destination area.

   - Fixed bug that caused newly created areas to be added
    multiple times to ticarea.cfg if 2 or more areas were
    created at the same time.

   - When "MATCHing" a file that is already in its destination
    directory, it was deleted. Fixed.

   - Multiple "Desc" keywords in the inbound TICs are now
    recognized properly. Previously only multiple "LDesc"
    keywords were allowed; "Desc" had to be unique.

   - The description for FILES.BBS is now always taken from
    the "Desc" keyword(s) in the inbound TICs. Previously the
    "LDesc" description was used if longer. Reason: many
    "LDesc" descriptions contain boxes and look ugly when
    reformatted. The Files.BBS description does not allow to
    keep formatting (must be on a single line, the BBS
    program will reformat according to its configuration).

   - The description for announcement messages is the longest
    one between "Desc" and "LDesc". Its formatting is now

   - Now the '*' wildcard used alone does not include special
    tags (beginning by '<'). People using "Announce *" will
    not be disappointed any further by the announcing of
     in the same area.

   - The Path statement in outgoing TICs contained the ASCII
    local (instead of GMT) time specification followed by
    "GMT". Now this has been fixed and the "GMT" changed to
    "UTC". Please note that you must have the environment
    variable "TZ" correctly set in config.sys (OS/2) or
    autoexec.bat (DOS) to have a correct specification of

    E.g. for Central European Time (CET)
    SET TZ=CET-01  (winter, normal time)
    SET TZ=CET-02  (summer, daylight saving time)

    E.g. for USA East Coast:
    Eastern time is 5h less than UTC and Daylight saving
    applies with the "standard rule" from the first sunday of
    April to the last sunday of October.

    More complicate expressions could be used to specify
    automatic change to and back from daylight saving, if a
    fix rule is available.

    E.g. for Italy: daylight is 1h ahead from last sunday of
    March to last sunday of September.

    SET TZ=CET-01CDT,M3.5.0,M9.5.0

    (See a C manual for more details).

   - New "NoSecure" (global) cfg statement to disable the
    Secure mode. When "NoSecure" is used, NEF will toss
    incoming files ignoring errors due to password mismatch
    and missing from-authorization (sender not linked, sender
    receive only). Anyway the error will be noted in the logs
    and  message report.

   - New "-t" command line switch to toggle "Secure" mode.

   - New (global) cfg statement "SquishCfg ". It is
    used to find the path of a message area from its TAG.
    Required to use the new "AreaTag" statement in "short"

   - New "AreaTag  [ [-$]]" statement, to be used
    in the place of "AreaPath  [-$]". You can now
    specify an announcement area by using its TAG, as
    specified in Squish.Cfg.


    The "long form", with both  and 
    specifications is useful in the case you do not use
    Squish and still want to tell NEF the TAG for an echo
    area, so that it can log it to EchoTossLog.

   - New "EchoTossLog " (global) cfg statement. NEF
    will log to the specified file the tags of the echoareas
    where it has written announcements. If you use the
    "MaxPrm" statement, you can omit "EchoTossLog", since NEF
    will take the default from the MaxPrm.

   - New "MaxPrm " (global) cfg statement. It is
    used to take the default for EchoTossLog and to get the
    name and location of the files necessary for filebase
    updating. This is required when using "FileBaseUpdate".

   - New "FileBaseUpdate" (global) cfg statement.
    Requires "MaxPrm".
    NEF will automatically update the filebase for all the
    areas changed when tossing/hatching new files. No more
    need for external FB.

   - New "NoReplace  ..." (global) cfg statement.
    Multiple statements can be used. The specified s
    indicate in which areas you do not want NEF to delete
    files specified by the "Replaces" keyword in inbound

    E.g.: to avoid Replace in all areas:

    NoReplace *

═══ 2.12. 2.16 ═══

2.16  Restricted Beta

   - The special tags (e.g. , ) can now be
    excluded from announcement via the "NoAnnounce"
    statement, just like all the normal tags.
    This is useful for people who like announcing all
    the areas together ("Announce *") and that were
    annoyed by the inclusion of the special tags

═══ 2.13. 2.15 ═══

2.15  Public Beta, Nov 11 1994

   - Be aware that all DOCS refer to version 2.00:
    updated documentation will be included in next
    version. For now, please read this file to know
    new features and changes.

   - The former support BBS (Videl, 2:332/504 511 524)
    will close in a few days. A new support BBS
    (ApWorks) is available with the same old address
    2:332/504; V34/VFC +39-59-243882.
    New Magics available for NEF beta: NEFBETA (OS/2)
    and NEFDBETA (Dos).

   - OS/2 versions are now compressed with InfoZip.

   - Fixed a problem that occurred when "short
    descriptions" (in "Desc" lines) were longer than
    255 characters. Nef considered the remaining of
    the description as an "unknown" line and put it
    in the outbound TICs. Now the remainder of a too
    long inbound-TIC line is discarded.

   - The "short description" limit has been raised to
    2KB (the same as for the "long description").

   - When both the "short" (Desc) and "long" (LDESC)
    descriptions are available, NEF uses the longer
    one for announcements and FILES.BBS. Up to
    v.2.14, NEF always used the "long" description
    if available.

═══ 2.14. 2.14 ═══

2.14  Public Beta

   - Support for Long Tags
    Now the area TAGs are not limited to 8 chars and
    can contain any character.
    Anyway you should be careful because other
    TIC processing programs could not be capable of
    handling such long tags.
    For sake of completeness, they can even contain
    blank spaces: where they could be misinterpreted
    as field separating characters, you must include
    the whole Tag in quotes: "Long Tag".
    See the DOC for more details.

   - Hatch/Match (batch mode):
    the character for separating the name and the
    replace fields has been changed from ',' to '/'.

   - The "BefDesc" statement has been substituted by
    the "DescStart" one.
    Here is a comparison of old and new syntax:
    BefDesc  [ ...] ""
    DescStart ""  [ ...]

   - Now there are 4 different EXEs.
    NEF.EXE:   32 bit OS/2
    NEF16.EXE:  16 bit OS/2
    NEFD.EXE:  32 bit DOS, requires DOS4GW.EXE
    NEFD16.EXE: 16 bit DOS

   - The "areafix" robot ignored messages marked as
    sent. Now they are processed, to avoid problems
    with netmail packers that mark all messages as
    sent, even if they are sent nowhere, being
    already arrived at destination.

   - New command line switch to override the
    "StatusLog" filename: "-l".

   - The maximum length of messages created by robots
    before splitting has been elevated to 12KB.

═══ 2.15. 2.12 ═══

2.12  Beta

   - Fixed bug that caused access violations when
    doing "NEF Out".

═══ 2.16. 2.11 ═══

2.11  Beta

   - Messages generated by NEF in multiple parts now
    have a time stamp that increases one second for
    each message part, thus avoiding false duplicate
    detection by the buggy dupe check of Squish 1.10.

═══ 2.17. 2.10 ═══

2.10  Beta

   - New function: "Outbound Analysis".
    Syntax: NEF OutView [] (verbose)
        NEF Out [] (tiny)

    If  is not specified, the report goes to
    message areas. To define a message area for
    report, use the "" keyword as a TAG. In this
    case, the Subj, Prefix and Suffix will be

═══ 2.18. 2.00 ═══

2.00 - First public release for the completely new NEF (OS/2 and

   - Added the  and  special tags for

   - Documented the NoAnnounce statement (already present in
    NEF v1.00).

   - Added the Tic processing and Link Robot sections.

═══ 2.19. 1.00 ═══

1.00 - First public release (DOS only).

═══ 3. Copyright ═══

*                               *
*                               *
*          **  ** ******* *******          *
*          ***  **  **  *  **  *          *
*          **** **  ** *   ** *           *
*          ** ****  ****   ****           *
*          **  ***  ** *   ** *           *
*          **  **  **  *  **            *
*          **  ** ******* ****           *
*                               *
*                               *
*             Version 2.34             *
*                               *
*    File Distribution for "BinkleyTerm Style" Systems   *
*                               *
*                               *
*                               *
*    (C) Copyright 1991-1996  by  Alberto Pasquale     *
*                               *
*      A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D       *
*                               *

  "BinkleyTerm" is trademark of Bit Bucket Software, Co.

    NEF 2.34 User's Manual, by Alberto Pasquale

═══ 4. Introduction ═══


-> For licensing information, please see License.Doc.

Thanks for evaluating NEF: a "New Echo Files" distribution

═══ 4.1. Main Features ═══

             Main Features

- It works on systems with a Binkley Style outbound and
 *.MSG or Squish message base.

- File Import/Forward/Hatch via the standard .TIC system,
 initially implemented by Tick.

- File "Areafix", to automatically link/unlink file areas via
 netmail messages. Wildcards can be used to make multiple
 link/unlink requests easier.

- Support for "FileBone.Na style" files.

- Automatic forwarding of requests for missing areas to the

- Fast Squish netmail scan.

- Flexible file announcements via echo or netmail messages.
 Wildcards in file area tags allow easy configuration of
 multiple announcement areas for different groups of file

- Full multitasking support. File sharing problems are handled
 wherever necessary.

- Full 4D operation; no direct support for ancient pointnet
 addressing method. However points addressed via pointnet can
 obviously be seen with their pointnet adress.

- Different outbounds for different domains are supported the
 same way as in Squish, via zone mapping.

- Very flexible MultiAka support. You can use different
 addresses in different areas, different addresses for
 different downlinks in the same area, etc.

- Outbound analysis and report to message areas and/or file.

- "Passthru" Area support, with optional deletion-age parameter.

- Long Description ("LDESC" keyword) support.

- Multiple "Desc" support.

- Multi-line description support for Files.Bbs.

- EchoToss.Log support.

- Automatic creation of new areas from authorized uplinks.

- Automatic linking of specified downlinks to selected new
 areas when they are automatically created.

- Check on imported description strings, to avoid trojan horses
 using certain control characters.

- Clean and compact link configuration file.

- Easy addition (on area TAG basis) of text strings at the head
 of imported descriptions, to allow inclusion of flags and
 download counters in selected areas.

- Easy partial/total area split/merge: you can forward
 certain files to a new area TAG.

- Support for Maximus 3.xx FileBase: when the file areas
 are modified the filebase is internally updated (no need for
 external FB/FBP).  The additional UniFiles.Idx (with no
 duplicates) created by QFB (my FB/FBP substitute) is also

- Automatic addition of new areas to the Maximus 3.xx

- Support for Squish configuration file, to get the
 information about path, type and primary address of message
 areas directly from it.

- (OS/2) Support for "Feature DLLs": developers can find the
 necessary Header file and an example C source included in
 the NEF package (Nefeat.H, Feature.C, Feature.Dll).

═══ 4.2. Credits ═══


"BinkleyTerm" is a trademark of Bit Bucket Software Co.

This program uses the Squish "MsgAPI" code, Copyright 1991-1994
by Lanius Corporation. "Squish" and "Maximus" are trademarks of
Lanius Corporation.

"Tick" is Copyright by Barry Geller

The archivers referred-to throughout this documentation are
Copyright and/or trademarks of the respective owners.

═══ 4.3. Overall Operation ═══


When invoked, first of all NEF looks into the netmail area(s)
for netmail messages to the Link Robot (Areafix like) and
executes the commands required; then it looks for new .TIC files
in the netfile area(s) and forwards them.

The ingoing files are moved to their destination directory and
the description is appended to the files.bbs.

A careful check is operated on the text of the description, to
avoid trojan horses that use special control characters.

Existing old descriptions for the ingoing files are deleted.

If the Replaces field is present in the ingoing .TIC (and the
function is not disabled in NEF.CFG), the pertinent file is
erased and its description removed from the files.bbs.

The forwarded TICs will have a new Path line with UTC time of
forward and updated SeenBys; Points are not included in the
SeenBys of TICs addressed to other links, to avoid unnecessarily
huge lists of SeenBys.

The .BSY support avoids conflicts in the outbound, while
possible conflicts in the access to files.bbs are minimized by
waiting several seconds before giving up.

Finally, NEF writes the announcements of the received files;
each message is limited (before splitting) to the maximum size
specified with the "MsgSize" statement (default is 12KB to avoid
problems with old mail processors).

Conflicts on the message base are handled by the Squish MsgAPI.

When the Maximus FileBase support is enabled, a mutual exclusive
semaphore flag "FileBase.Bsy" is used to avoid concurrent access
and modification of the filebase by other ApWorks programs.
There is no need to delete this flag if it remains after a power
failure or abnormal termination (ApWorks programs are smart
enough to realize whether the flag is really in use or not).

═══ 4.3.1. From Address Selection ═══

           From Address Selection

The algorythm to choose the "From" address for the TIC files is:

If an aka ovverride is present in the "FileArea" definition
  then use FileArea aka override
else if an aka override is present in the "FileLink" definition
  then use FileLink aka override
else if the destination zone matches an "Address" statement
  then use the zone-matching address
  use the primary (first) "Address" statement.

═══ 4.3.2. Description Handling ═══

           Description Handling

The TIC files can contain "Desc" and "LDesc" lines. Usually the
description contained in "Desc" line(s) is short and
unformatted, while that carried by the "LDesc" lines is long,
multi-line and formatted.

For the announcements, the longest one is selected.

For the Files.Bbs: if MultiLineDesc support is enabled, the
longest description is used, otherwise the "Desc" one.

═══ 5. Installation ═══


1) There are 3 versions of NEF: OS/2, NT and DOS/32, distributed
  in different archives. The main program is always named
  NEF.EXE: please make sure you have the correct version.

2) Edit your Nef.Cfg.
  You can find useful examples in the NEF_*.Cfg files and
  detailed information in the "CFG REFERENCE" section of this

3) Edit your batch file in order to call NEF whenever you would
  like to test for the presence of .TIC files in your inbounds
  and process them. If you do not pass a different pathname as
  a command line parameter, Nef.Cfg must reside in the current

4) (OS/2): Make sure you have the MSGAPI32.DLL in a directory
   contained in your LIBPATH and the PmHatch.Exe program in
   your PATH. MSGAPI32.DLL can be found in the Squish 1.11
   archive (SQSHP111.LZH).

  (NT): Make sure you have the MSGAPINT.DLL in a directory
   contained in your PATH. MSGAPINT.DLL can be found in the
   Max 3.01 for Windows archive (MAX301N.ZIP).

  (DOS): Make sure you have the DOS4GW.EXE Dos extender (from
   Rational System Inc.) in your path.

   The DOS4GW extender requires an XMS or DPMI memory driver
   installed in your config.sys: e.g. HIMEM.SYS, QEMM (by
   QuarterDeck Office Systems Inc.).

5) In order to have a correct UTC time specification in your
  outgoing TICs, please note that you must have the environment
  variable "TZ" correctly set in config.sys (OS/2) or
  autoexec.bat (DOS).

  E.g. for Central European Time (CET):

   SET TZ=CET-01 (winter, "normal" solar time)
   SET TZ=CET-02 (summer, daylight saving time).

  E.g. for USA East Coast:


   Eastern time is 5h less than UTC and Daylight saving
   applies with the "standard rule" from the first sunday o
   april to the last sunday of october.

  More complicate expressions might be used to specify
  automatic change to and back from daylight saving, if a fixed
  rule is available.

  E.g. for Central Europe: daylight saving is 1h ahead from the
  last sunday of march to the last sunday of october.

   SET TZ=CET-01CDT,M3.5.0,M10.5.0

  (See a C manual for further details).

═══ 6. The Command Line ═══

        Command Line OPTIONS and SWITCHES

To get help about the command line syntax, use the "-h" or "-?"
command line switch: type "NEF -h" or "NEF -?".

The following forms are available:

 NEF []
 NEF [] NOTIFY [ ...]


  is one or more of:

       Use  as configuration file instead of the
       default "Nef.Cfg".

       Example: "Nef -ce:\cfg\nef2.cfg"

       Hatch to  only.

       If you Hatch/Catch/Match/Send a file with the
       -d command line switch, it is sent to 

        can be any 4D address: in the case it is
       defined as a link in the matching "FileArea" or
       even only as a "FileLink", the specified akas,
       password and switches are applied.

       If, on the contrary,  is a unknown address,
       the Hold flavour is used, no password is put in
       the TIC and the "from" aka is derived from an
       aka-match on the zone.

       Example: "Nef -d2:332/589 hatch"

  -h or -?

       Keep local files (do not Replace,
       for Match/Catch).

       Use  as logfile instead of the one specified
       via the "StatusLog " configuration statement.

       Example: "Nef -le:\cfg\nef.log"

       Clean passthru areas before terminating, see also
       the "CLEAN" option.


        NEF -p
        NEF -p OUT

       Toggle Secure mode (see also the NoSecure cfg

 A description of options follows:

       Notify linked areas to the specified address list,
       where  is a 4D address.
       If no address is given or "ALL" is specified, NEF
       will notify to all defined links.

       Outbound analysis (message output), optional
       concise output to  (no specification of each
       and every attached file). See the  and
        "special tags" in the "Announce"

       Same as OUT, but optional output to  is

       Clean passthru areas.

       Since it might be not efficient to always scan the
       entire outbound to check for passthru files to be
       deleted, NEF must be explicitly instructed to do
       so (see also the "-p" command line switch).

       Example: "Nef Clean"

       Traditional hatch.
       Move file to destination area then hatch.
       Copy file to destination area then hatch.
       (OS/2) Hatch via PM Dialog.

       If you use one of these hatch options, NEF will
       not process inbound .TICs; instead it will send
       the specified files to your links.

            "Nef Hatch"
            "Nef Match"
            "Nef Catch"
            "Nef Send" (OS/2 Only)

       When no parameters are specified after the hatch
       option, your interaction is required: you will be
       requested the filename specification (Dos or OS/2
       wildcards allowed) and, for each matching file,
       the optional "replace" name, the area TAG, the
       description and the optional "Long Description".

       On the other hand, if you specify the hatch
       parameters on the command line, you cannot give a
       "Long Description" apart from that taken from the

       HATCH sends the specified files; they are not
       moved and their description is not modified.

       MATCH moves the specified files to the directory
       that corresponds to the specified , updates
       their descriptions (see "Description Handling" in
       Overall operation) and sends them as per normal
       hatch. If a  file is specified, it is
       deleted with its associated description.

       CATCH is just like Match, but the files are copied
       instead of moved.

       SEND allows to specify all the hatch parameters
       via a user friendly PM Dialog. Please make sure
       the PmHatch.Exe file is in the PATH. In the case
       the PmHatch program terminates abnormally, the NEF
       program will wait for it indefinitely: you can
       terminate it using CTRL-C or CTRL-Break.

       See the "PmHatch" section below for further

 Parameters for Hatch/Match/Catch:

       This is the full pathname of the files you want to
       H/M/Catch. You need to specify the full path even
       if you are hatching files that reside in the
       directory corresponding to . O.S. wildcards
       are allowed.

       This is the optional name of the file to be
       replaced: if the receiving system has this feature
       enabled, a file named  in the  area
       will be deleted while importing the new file.

       This is the tag used for distributing an echo-file

       This is the "short" file description and must be
       enclosed between quotes '"'.

       In the case you need to include the '"' character
       in the description, just precede it with a
       backslash escape character: '\"'.

       If you want to take this description from the
       files.bbs, you can just specify "@BBS".

       Although NEF allows not to specify any , it
       is highly recommended that a "short" description
       is supplied, even when a "long" one is used.

       This parameter allows to (optionally) take a
       "long" description from the File_Id.Diz contained
       in archive .

       Please note that this is an additional OPTIONAL
       field, while  should be MANDATORY (although
       NEF does not complain about a missing ).

       Please realize that the "short" and "long"
       descriptions are two separate and indipendent

       Short description: single line, "Desc" keyword in
       TIC files.

       Lond description: multiple lines, "Ldesc" keywords
       in TIC files.

═══ 6.1. Examples ═══


  NEF Hatch d:\p\prg12.rar/prg11.rar COMMS "New comm prg"

    d:\p\prg12.rar is hatched (NOT moved) into the COMMS
    area; prg11.rar will be deleted on receiving systems.

  NEF Catch d:\p\prg12.rar/prg11.rar COMMS "New comm prg"

    d:\p\prg12.rar is copied to the directory corresponding
    to the COMMS file area and is hatched to the COMMS area.
    prg11.rar is deleted locally and will be deleted on
    receiving systems.

  NEF Match d:\p\prg12.rar COMMS "New comm prg"

    d:\p\prg12.rar is moved to the directory corresponding
    to the COMMS file area, it is hatched to the COMMS area,
    no replace information is put in the outgoing .TICs.

  NEF Send

    (OS/2) Invokes the PM dialog window.

  NEF Hatch d:\apbbs\nef999.rar APBBS @bbs

    d:\apbbs\nef999.rar is hatched into the APBBS area,
    taking the description from the files.bbs.

  NEF Hatch d:\apbbs\nef999.rar APBBS "Nef 9.99" @diz

    d:\apbbs\nef999.rar is hatched into the APBBS area,
    taking "Nef 9.99" as the "short" description and the
    File_Id.Diz (if present in the archive) as the "long"

  NEF Hatch d:\apbbs\nef999.rar APBBS @bbs @diz

    d:\apbbs\nef999.rar is hatched into the APBBS area,
    taking the "short" description from the files.bbs and
    the "long" description from the File_Id.Diz (if it is
    contained in the archive).

  NEF -d2:332/504.2 Hatch d:\apbbs\nef999.rar APBBS @bbs @diz

    Same as above, but the file is hatched to 2:332/504.2


    An outbound analysis is performed, the results are
    reported via messages in the area(s) configured in
    Nef.Cfg (see the Announce statement).

  NEF OUT Out.Txt

    Same as above, but the output is also written to
    "Out.Txt" in "concise mode".


    Same as above but the file output is verbose.

  NEF -p OUT

    NEF will report the status of the outbound and clean the
    passthru areas.

    If you need to maintain passthru areas, this is the most
    efficient use, since NEF must scan the outbound once to
    make two different things ("clean passthru" and
    "outbound report").

  NEF Notify
  NEF Notify All

    A notification message is sent to all the defined links,
    specifying the linked areas.

  NEF Notify 2:332/589 1:234/567

    A notification message is sent to the specified links.

═══ 6.2. PmHatch ═══


  OS/2 Only:

    To invoke the PM hatch program you must type "NEF send".
    The PmHatch program is very simple and intuitive to use:
    see the following description.

    You can select the destination Area Tag via a drop-down
    list: just click with the mouse on the button at the
    right of the entry field.

    You have three radio buttons to select the "type" of
    hatch (normal, with Copy, with Move), just as you use
    Hatch/Catch/Match from the command line.

    You can choose the file to be hatched via a file dialog
    box: just click on the "Browse" push button on the right
    of the field. The file dialog starts from the directory
    corresponding to the selected Tag, but you can move to
    any drive or directory.

    You can also specify a "Replace" file via a file-dialog
    by clicking on the "Browse" push-button on the right of
    the "Repl" field.

    When doing Copy or Move, the files.bbs of the
    destination area is updated and the "replace" file (if
    specified) is deleted, just as if the file were tossed
    from the inbound.

    You can mark the "No Local Kill" checkbox to prevent NEF
    from deleting the "replace" file in the local area.

    You can load a "short description" (Desc) from the
    files.bbs, by clicking on the "FilesBbs" push-button.

    You can load a multi-line "long description" (Long Desc)
    from the File_Id.Diz inside the archive, from the
    Files.Bbs or from a specified file (Arc Diz, FilesBbs,
    File push-buttons respectively).

    If you do not have the "CompressCfg "
    statement in Nef.Cfg, the "Arc Diz" push-button will be

    Of course you can always fill-in or modify any field

    Now look at the five push-buttons at the bottom of the
    hatch dialog:

    : to exit the dialog and hatch all the entered files.

    : to visualize the previous hatch entry.

    : to create a new (empty) entry in order to hatch
    another file or to move to next entry if  has been

    : to copy the visualized entry to the first free
    position, in order to hatch another file by modifying
    the current entry.

     or ESC: to cancel the current entry.

    ALT-F4 or "Close", to abort (cancel all the hatch

═══ 6.3. Errorlevels ═══


 0 - File areas modified: Match or .TIC processed.
 1 - File areas not modified: Hatch or NO .TIC processed.
 2 - Help requested.
 3 - Abnormal termination
 4 - Configuration file not found.
 5 - Invalid parameter on command line.
 6 - No Outbound defined in cfg file.
 7 - Disk Full.
 8 - Out of Memory.
 9 - Can't open Log file.
 10 - Prefix or Suffix too long.
 11 - User Input Error (interactive hatch/match).
 12 - TimeOut waiting for concurrent NEF process to finish.
 13 - Error while accessing .SAV file.
 17 - FileBase Busy TimeOut.

250 - MsgApi: Init Error.
251 - MsgApi: Area Open Error.

═══ 7. Cfg Reference ═══

             CFG REFERENCE

Before analyzing the cfg keywords in detail, let's introduce the
overall mechanism that is at the basis of NEF's file forwarding

Each area (defined via the FileArea keyword) can be
mono-directional or bi-directional.

In bidirectional areas every link can send files to us and we
forward to everyone, unless those with a "receive-from"

Monodirectional areas can be "receive from everyone" or "send to
everyone". Obviously, at least one link must have an override in
the opposite direction, unless we are the destination or
origination of all the files.

NEF uses the three flags 'I' (Input: we accept from), 'O'
(Output: we send to) and '*' (bidirectional) to define the
direction of an area or link.

Each area has a direction, that can be overridden on a per-node
basis by a global (in the FileLink statement) or local (in the
FileArea statement, before the pertinent link address) direction

In other words: each link has a direction that is defined in
order of priority (from lowest to highest) by the area direction
(I|O|* in FileArea), the global link override (in the FileLink
statement), the local link override (before link address in the
FileArea statement).

It is recommended not to use the global link override when not
really useful, so that the area definition statements remain
clearly readable without the need to keep one eye on the
FileLink statements.

Usually the global link override is useful when you have an
uplink for many areas. For example: if one day the uplink and
one of the downlinks switch their role, you have to move the 'I'
flag from one FileLink statement to the other with no need to
change all the area definitions.

The area direction definition is very useful to allow automatic
linking via the Link Robot both to normal "Uplink to Downlinks"
areas and to reverse "Downlinks to Uplink" areas (mostly used
for "pre" areas to collect files and send them to the

As a matter of facts, in response to a link request, the Link
Robot only adds the requesting address (with no flags) to the
FileArea statement. So the real characteristics of the link
depend on the Area direction and on the link flags (FileLink

═══ 7.1. Conventions ═══


- Items between square brackets (e.g. []) are optional.

- Items separated by '|' are mutually exclusive (e.g. I|O|*).

- The names of the various Keywords are NOT case sensitive.

- The area TAGs are NOT case sensitive.
 Please be aware that old TIC processors might not be able to
 handle tags longer than 8 characters or containing dots.

-  is a "Wild TAG" specification: it can be a normal area
 TAG or contain wildcards in the "OS/2 style".


 "*LOC*" specifies all tags that contain "LOC".

 "FW???" specifies all tags that have up to three characters
 after "FW".

- When a directory path is required, the trailing backslash '\'
 is optional.

- The ';' character starts comments: any character following the
 ';' is ignored. Please note that configuration text strings
 (e.g. Subj, Origin) can contain the ';' character provided
 they are enclosed in quotes '"'.

- The maximum length of configuration lines (including FileArea
 definitions) is 510 characters.

- ... means that you can list further items of the same type.

- Unless differently specified, addresses are standard 4D and
 MUST begin with the zone number (FileArea statements excluded).

Please, note that the order of the configuration statements
follows some logical rule. In order not to create confusion in
the .cfg file and not to break some _necessary_ order relation,
please follow the scheme proposed in the example NEF_*.CFG files
and in this reference documentation.

═══ 7.2. System ═══

             S Y S T E M

═══ 7.2.1. RegKey ═══


    Registered Users only:  is the registration key
    and it is NOT case sensitive.


    RegKey dfhyuwru6274623

═══ 7.2.2. Address ═══

You can use as many Address statements as you need for all of your AKAs. The first one specifies the "primary" address.
is a standard 4D address specification. Example: Address 2:332/504.0 ; Primary Address Address 2:332/524.0 ; Second line aka Address 2:332/500.0 ; Hub aka Address 9:999/999.9 ; one more aka ═══ 7.2.3. StatusLog ═══ StatusLog is the name of the file where all the operations performed by NEF will be logged, following the "Binkley Style". In multitasking environments, please be sure to use a file that cannot be used by other processes at the same time. For example: if (in your system) NEF can be executed while Binkley is running, please use different log files. Multiple NEF processes using the same config file (and therefore the same ) will have no problem since NEF does not begin operations until the previous launched instance (if it uses the same .cfg file) has finished. Should you not want the log file, you can comment this keyword out. Example: StatusLog d:\bbs\log\nef.log ═══ 7.2.4. EchoTossLog ═══ EchoTossLog When a message is written into echoareas defined with the "AreaTag" statement, the corresponding TAGs are written (one per line) to . If you use the "MaxPrm" statement (or MAXIMUS environment variable), "EchoTossLog" is not necessary and becomes an override of the echotosslog specification found in the Maximus .PRM file. If you do not like this output, you can override with the NUL name: "EchoTossLog NUL". Example: EchoTossLog d:\bbs\squish\echotoss.log ═══ 7.2.5. NetFile ═══ NetFile You can specify as many NetFile statements as you need, one for each inbound directory where NEF must look for new .TIC files. is the pathname of the inbound directory. Example: NetFile c:\file\net ═══ 7.2.6. Outbound ═══ OutBound [] The outbound directories are specified with the same method as in squish.cfg. should not have an extension. The first OutBound statement does not have the field and specifies the directory where NEF will build file attaches for the zone of the primary address. Subsequent OutBound statements must have the field (Decimal). File attaches for the specified are built in .<###>, where <###> is a 3 digit extension representing the zone number (hexadecimal). File attaches for zones different from the primary one and not matching any of the OutBound statements are built in .<###>, where is the one specified in the first OutBound statement and <###> is a 3 digit extension representing the hexadecimal zone number. Note: The "OutBound" statements MUST be preceded by the "Address" ones. Example: OutBound c:\out\fidonet OutBound c:\out\amiganet 39 OutBound c:\out\amiganet 40 FileAttaches will be built in: Primary zone -> c:\out\fidonet zone 39 -> c:\out\amiganet.027 zone 40 -> c:\out\amiganet.028 other zones -> c:\out\fidonet.<###> where <###> is the 3 digit hexadecimal representation of the zone number ═══ 7.2.7. TicHold ═══ TicHold This specifies the directory that holds all the .TIC files addressed to downlinks until they are sent and erased. Example: TicHold c:\file\tichold ═══ 7.2.8. BusyFlag ═══ BusyFlags This enables the Binkley-Style .BSY support. When attaching a file to a node, the presence of an appropriate .BSY file is checked; if it is present, some other process may be working on the same node, so NEF saves the attach info to a private .SAV file (i.e. NEF.SAV when NEF.CFG is the config file). On subsequent runs, NEF will look for a .SAV file and use the information in it to attempt again the creation of the file attaches. If the .BSY file is not found, it is created, the file attach is built, then the .BSY is erased. The name of the .BSY file is the same as a file attach to the same node: only the extension changes. Warning: The .BSY method has a nasty drawback: if the process that has created a .BSY file hangs or is shutdown abruptly, the .BSY file remains in its outbound directory, so that no other process will gain access to that node until somebody erases the .BSY file. It is advisable to delete *.BSY from the most used outbound directories at startup (in autoexec.bat (Dos) or startup.cmd (OS/2)). ═══ 7.2.9. NoRaidBeforeHatch ═══ NoRaidBeforeHatch Skips the scanning of netmail before the execution of hatch commands. This might be useful to avoid delays with huge *.MSG areas. ═══ 7.2.10. MsgSize ═══ MsgSize To specify the maximum size (in bytes) for a message generated by NEF (minimum 8KB, default 12KB). Usually a larger message size is useful to avoid too many messages in reports of filebone availability. Anyway, please be careful not to use a size larger than your downlinks can handle. Example: MsgSize 90000 ═══ 7.2.11. TicAreaCfg ═══ TicAreaCfg This defines the name of the file that contains all the file area definitions. See the "FileArea" keyword below for a description of the syntax. This keyword is optional: if you omit it, you can define your file areas directly in the .cfg file, provided you put all the FileArea statements _after_ the FileLink ones, at the end of the .cfg file. For systems with few areas the one-file configuration is handy, for systems with many areas and links, the separate file solution is recommended. Please note that the TicAreaCfg file can contain FileArea statements and comments ONLY. Example: TicAreaCfg d:\bbs\nef\ticarea.cfg ═══ 7.2.12. CompressCfg ═══ CompressCfg (OS2) To allow the extraction of File_Id.Diz while using the Pm Hatch. must specify the location and name of a "Squish style" compress definition file. In the case you are using a case-sensitive de/compression program (e.g. OS/2 ZIP/UNZIP), please make sure to use the correct switches in . If you are already using Squish and or Maximus, you can just specify the name of their compress.cfg (but do check that they indicate the necessary switches to avoid case sensitiveness during extraction). Refer to the "Compress Definition File" section at the end of this reference for the syntax of this configuration file. Example: CompressCfg c:\squish\compress.cfg ═══ 7.2.13. Squish Support ═══ Optional Squish Support ═══ SquishCfg ═══ SquishCfg It is used to specify the squish configuration file, so that the path, type (SDM vs Squish) and primary address for the announcement areas defined with the "AreaTag" statement can be automatically looked up. When SquishCfg is defined, if you use "AreaTag " to define announcement areas, the "FromNode " statement is only used to override the primary address specified for that area in Squish.Cfg (including the -p
overrides). The "Include" keyword of Squish.Cfg is supported: just be sure to always use the full pathname in the Include statement if different from the working path. Both echomail and netmail areas are recognized by their Squish tags. Netmail areas will have the Private attribute and no origin by default. Local overrides are still possible via local "Origin" and "Attr" statements. Example: SquishCfg c:\squish\squish.cfg ═══ 7.2.14. Maximus 3.xx Support ═══ Optional Maximus 3.xx Support ═══ MaxPrm ═══ MaxPrm If the MAXIMUS environment variable is defined, this statement is an optional override only. It is used to take the default for EchoTossLog and to get the name and location of the files necessary for filebase updating. The ".prm" extension in can be omitted. Example: MaxPrm d:\bbs\max\max.prm ═══ MaxAreaAdd/MaxAreaCompile ═══ MaxAreaAdd [] MaxAreaCompile NEF is able to add new (created) areas to the Maximus filearea.ctl or equivalent. is the fully qualified name of the Maximus file-area definition file. protects areas of higher privilege from being automatically added to the Maximus configuration. The level and keys are to be compared to those of ProtArea statements and FileBone-format files. is the Maximus access string to be used in for the new area. is the optional specification of a division where you want to put new areas. If not specified or not found, the new areas will be appended at the end of . is an external command to be executed before NEF ends, from the Maximus system directory. It should be used to compile the new Maximus configuration via SILT/SILTP. The area name is taken equal to the area TAG, with dots changed to underscores. The area description is taken from the FileBone-format files if available, otherwise it is taken equal to the area TAG. Example: MaxAreaAdd d:\max\filearea.ctl 0 Transient Tic.New MaxAreaCompile siltp max -a -2a The new areas, will be inserted at the end of division "Tic.New" in the file "d:\max\filearea.ctl", with an access string of "Transient". Areas with protection level above 0 or any protection key will NOT be added to maximus configuration. Before terminating, NEF will invoke the SILTP compiler to update the area configuration. The command will be executed after changing the current directory to the Maximus system one (probably d:\max\). ═══ FileBaseUpdate ═══ FileBaseUpdate Requires the MAXIMUS environment variable or the "MaxPrm" statement _before_ in the cfg. NEF will automatically update the filebase for all the areas changed when tossing/hatching new files. No more need to run external FBP (FB). Example: FileBaseUpdate ═══ UniqueDmpLine ═══ UniqueDmpLine Forces the generation of FILES.DMP filebase files with descriptions on one line only (multiple lines are concatenated). By default, multi-line descriptions are output without changes to FILES.DMP: when using L)ocate and N)ewfiles commands, Maximus will respect the original formatting, but the continuation lines will be aligned to the left. When this statement is used, the original formatting of descriptions is lost (in the filebase) but Maximus will be able to word-wrap and align when executing L)ocate or N)ewfiles commands. ═══ 7.3. Tic Processing ═══ TIC Processing ═══ 7.3.1. NoSecure ═══ NoSecure Disables the secure mode. When "NoSecure" is used, NEF will toss incoming files ignoring errors due to missing password, password mismatch and missing from-authorization (sender not linked, sender receive only). You can also use the "-t" command line switch to toggle between Secure and NoSecure modes. Anyway the error will be noted in the logs and message report (see Announce statement). Example: NoSecure ═══ 7.3.2. NoReplace ═══ NoReplace ... Multiple statements can be used. The specified s indicate in which areas you do not want NEF to delete files specified by the "Replaces" keyword in inbound TICs. Example: NoReplace * ; to avoid Replace in all areas ═══ 7.3.3. CheckCRC ═══ CheckCRC This enables the CRC check of ingoing .TICs. If an ingoing .TIC has the CRC keyword, the specified CRC is checked against that of the relative file and an error is reported in case of mismatch. Outgoing .TICs will have the CRC only if it is present in the ingoing one. TICs originated by NEF (various Hatch modes) will always have the CRC keyword. ═══ 7.3.4. Touch ═══ Touch [Creation] [Write] Ingoing files are "touched" while being moved to their destination directory (i.e. their timestamps are set to NOW, so that they will be seen as new files by all the utilities that use the file date-time to compute the age of files). (OS/2) There are two optional parameters ("Creation" and "Write") that allow to configure the type of touch needed to best suit your environment. "Creation" -> touch the creation (upload) date "Write" -> touch the last-write (modification) date You can specify either or both options. When no parameter is used, "Creation" is assumed. On FAT, the only available date (last-write) is touched regardless of the Touch options. On HPFS, the specified date(s) is/are touched. Usually, you do not need to specify any touch parameter, so that NEF touches the creation date, not the modification one, in order to make the files recognized as new by Maximus and FLM (my File List Manager) without changing the date that is normally shown and transferred: you "see" and transfer to your downlinks the original date of the file while Maximus and FLM are able to realize that the file is new. WARNING: if you use some other utility that is not smart enough to recognize new files from the creation date, you might need to specify both the "Write" and "Creation" options. (NT, DOS & OS/2 FAT) Warning: The original file timestamp is lost and the downlinks will receive the forwarded files with the new timestamps. Examples: Touch ; default: touch the Creation (upload) date Touch Creation ; same as default Touch Write ; touch the Last Write date Touch Creation Write ; touch both dates ═══ 7.3.5. KillDate ═══ KillDate Write|Creation (OS/2) When the -0 switch is used in a FileArea definition, this statement specifies which date must be used to evaluate the file age. This setting is useful for HPFS (which has separate Write and Creation dates) and ignored for FAT. If not specified, "Creation" is assumed. Attention: if you want to delete the files when they have been on your system for days then you should choose a date that has been touched on toss (as per Touch statement). Examples: KillDate Write ; Use the Write date KillDate Creation ; same as default ═══ 7.3.6. MultiLineDesc ═══ MultiLineDesc [] By default, files.bbs description must be on a single line; this statement enables Multi-Line support. is the number of spaces that must precede the continuation lines. is the continuation character. If is NOT specified, it is assumed that the continuation lines must be preceded by spaces. If IS specified, it is assumed that the continuation lines must be preceded by spaces, the character and one more space. For example, to have the 2nd and following description lines in files.bbs start at the 32nd column, use: MultiLineDesc 31 A description in files.bbs would be like: Test.Zip This is the first description line this is the 2nd line this is the 3rd line ^ ^^ 1 31 32 To have the continuation lines preceded by a '|' character, use: MultiLineDesc 29 | A description in files.bbs would be like: Test.Zip This is the first description line | this is the 2nd line | this is the 3rd line ^ ^ ^ 1 29 32 ═══ 7.3.7. NewAreasPath/NewAreasFrom ═══ NewAreasPath NewAreasFrom
[-0[]] [#] [] is the base directory for new file areas automatically created by NEF on reception of .TICs with unknown area TAGs.
is a 4D address that must be enabled to automatically create new areas. -0[] (zero) specifies that areas created by
must be PassThru. The optional parameter specifies that the files in these areas must not be deleted before they become older than . is an integer <= 65535. is the optional from-address to be used by NEF in outgoing .TICs for the areas automatically created by
. The in "NewAreasFrom" is an override for the default specified in "NewAreasPath". Any number of NewAreasFrom statements can be used. While adding new areas, NEF will NOT re-order the existing ones, anyway it will respect an existing alphabetical order. Example: NewAreasPath c:\file NewAreasFrom 2:331/110 NewAreasFrom 9:1/1 #9:999/999.9 NewAreasFrom 9:2/2 -0 d:\fido\passthru\ Let's suppose we have received a .TIC for area NEWAREA, which is not currently defined: - if it is coming from an address different from 2:331/110, 9:1/1 and 9:2/2 -> an error is reported. - if it is coming from 2:331/110 -> a new area is created with path c:\file\NEWAREA. - if it is coming from 9:1/1 -> a new area is created with path c:\file\NEWAREA and it is configured so that NEF will use 9:999/999.9 (which must be an aka previously defined in an Address statement) as the from-address for outgoing .TICs. - if it is coming from 9:2/2 -> a passthru area is created with path d:\fido\passthru\NEWAREA. ═══ 7.3.8. DescStart ═══ DescStart "" [ ...] This allows to add at the head of files.bbs descriptions while tossing files from area TAGs that match one of the specifications. This statement is useful for people using download counters and/or maximus flags for free download. Example: DescStart "/bt [00] " 1* 2* This adds "/bt [00] " at the head of files.bbs descriptions while tossing files from areas whose TAG begins with '1' or '2'. ═══ 7.3.9. TagFwd ═══ TagFwd [ ...] This allows to forward files from an area to another. and are area TAGs. is a file specification that accepts the OS/2 style wildcards (?,*). All ingoing files of area which match one of the s are forwarded to area . This way you can split or merge areas. Example: TagFwd 1-Comm Bbs AC*n prova.* TagFwd 1-Data bbs * TagFwd 1-DITO BBS * TagFwd 1-Comm BBO * TagFwd ISNMAIN POINTLST ptlist.* ptdoc.* Files AC*n and prova.* coming from area 1-Comm and all the files coming from 1-Data and 1-DITO are forwarded to area BBS. All the files from 1-COMM are also forwarded to area BBO. Files ptlist.* and ptdoc.* from area ISNMAIN are forwarded to area POINTLST. ═══ 7.3.10. FeatureLoad/Feature ═══ FeatureLoad (OS/2) Loads a "Feature" DLL, to allow third party extensions to NEF. can be a simple filename without extension (".DLL" implied) if the DLL is in the LibPath, otherwise a fully qualified filename (extension included) can be specified. Feature (OS/2) Allows to specify configuration statements that are to be parsed by the DLL loaded with the previous FeatureLoad. Note: Multiple FeatureLoad statements are allowed, in which case the Feature statements refer to the last loaded DLL. Example: FeatureLoad MyDll Feature CfgItem1 "This is Item 1" Feature CfgItem2 "This is Item 2" ═══ 7.4. Tic Announcements ═══ TIC Announcements Each announcement area is defined by a dedicated group of statements. Many of these statements can be used before the first announcement area definition to establish defaults to be used in all subsequent area definitions, thus avoiding the need to unnecessarily repeat common statements. ═══ 7.4.1. Global Keywords ═══ Global Keywords Statements that can be used before area definitions to set defaults (please note that all these statements can be overridden in each area definition). ═══ FromNode ═══ FromNode
This specifies the 4D address to be used as the from-address in the announcement messages: it is used in the header, in the Origin and in the MSGID. Usually, it should be your primary address. Example: FromNode 2:332/504.0 ═══ ToNode ═══ ToNode
This specifies the 4D address to be used as the to-address in the announcement messages: it is used in the header. Usually, for echo area announcements, it should be the same as in FromNode. Example: ToNode 2:332/504.0 ═══ From ═══ From This specifies the name to be used as the from-name in the announcement messages. Usually it should be the SysOp name. Example: From Alberto Pasquale ═══ To ═══ To This specifies the name to be used as the to-name in the announcement messages. Usually it should be "All". Example: To All ═══ Subj ═══ Subj This specifies the string to be used as the subject in the announcement messages. Note: If the Subj text contains the ';' character, it MUST be enclosed in quotes '"', otherwise it will be taken as the start of a comment. Examples: Subj New Echo Files Subj "New files; OS/2 BBS" ═══ Attr ═══ Attr [P][K][C|H|D|N|O] This specifies the attributes to be used in the announcement messages. Usually no special attribute is necessary, except for private announcements in the netmail area. The available attributes are: P -> Private K -> Kill/Sent C -> Crash H -> Hold D -> Direct (equivalent to "CH") N -> Normal (default) O -> Normal (default) The required attributes can be listed in any order and are not case sensitive. Examples: Attr ; no attributes Attr N ; no attributes (Normal flavour) Attr PK ; Private and Kill/Sent Attr PC ; Private and Crash Attr PDK ; Private, Direct, and Kill/Sent ═══ HighAsciiOk ═══ HighAsciiOk Grants permission for High Ascii codes (> 127) in file descriptions. ═══ Prefix ═══ Prefix This specifies the file containing the prefix text for announcement messages: it is put at the head of the message body, just before the real announcement lines. It should usually contain something like "New Echo Files Received:". Example: Prefix d:\bbs\NEF\PREFIX.NEF ═══ Suffix ═══ Suffix This specifies the file containing the suffix text for announcement messages: it is put at the end of the message body, just before the tear-line and the Origin. It should usually contain something like "File Request open to everybody between 06:00 and 23:00 GMT". Example: Suffix d:\bbs\NEF\SUFFIX.NEF ═══ Origin ═══ Origin This specifies the text to be used as the Origin in announcement messages. The required " * " will automatically be added at the head and the address at the end, truncating if necessary to fit the 79 character maximum length. To disable the Origin (e.g. in netmail area) use an empty origin string. Note: If the Origin text contains the ';' character, it MUST be enclosed in quotes '"', otherwise it will be taken as the start of a comment. Examples: Origin Origin "ApWorks Modena I; +39-59-246112/3" Origin ; empty origin to disable origin generation ═══ 7.4.2. Area Definition ═══ Area Definition All the preceding statements can be used both before announcement area definitions (to set defaults) and inside each definition to override the defaults. ═══ AreaTag/AreaPath ═══ AreaTag [ [-$]] AreaPath [-$] One of these statements starts the definition of an announcement area. is the area TAG, to be logged to EchoTossLog provided this is not a NetMail area. is the directory for the *.MSG format or the full filename (no extension) for the Squish base. -$ specifies the use of the Squish format. AreaTag This is the form to be generally used when SquishCfg is defined. will be looked up in SquishCfg to find the corresponding path, message-base type and primary address. A local "FromNode" statement can be used to override the primary address for the area (including -p
specifications) found in SquishCfg. If this is an EchoArea, its will be output to the EchoTossLog whenever a message is written to this area. If this is a NetArea, as a default, the Origin will not be used and the Private attribute will be set; you can override this with local "Origin" and "Attr" statements. AreaTag [-$] This is the form to be used for EchoMail areas when SquishCfg is not defined or you want to override its information AND you want to be logged to EchoTossLog. AreaPath [-$] This is the form to be used when SquishCfg is not defined AND you do not need to log a to EchoTossLog (NetMail areas or no EchoTossLog defined). Notes: Any of the statements described above in this "Tic Announcements" section can be used after the AreaTag/AreaPath statement to override the defaults for this announcement area only. Please note that you can use different AreaTag/AreaPath definitions with the same message area Tag/Path, in order to announce different file areas in different messages but in the same message area. Examples: AreaTag OS2BBS AreaTag OS2BBS d:\bbs\mail\os2bbs -$ AreaPath d:\bbs\mail\net ═══ Announce/NoAnnnouce ═══ Announce [ ...] NoAnnounce [ ...] This defines the list of file areas to be announced in the current announcement message area (the one defined by the previous AreaTag/AreaPath statement). Multiple statements are allowed. All the TAGs that match one of the s in "Announce" and do not match any of the s in "NoAnnounce" are announced in the current area. Obviously you can omit the "NoAnnounce" statement if you do not need to exclude areas that have been included via the "Announce" statement. "Announce *" makes all the file areas announced. Special tags: The following "special tags" can be used in "Announce" or "NoAnnounce" statements as if they were normal area TAGs, but are not included in the "*" wildcard (i.e. "Announce *" does not make them announced). "" is used to announce all the TICs that have been processed with some error. "" is used to announce all the files that have not been announced elsewhere. A separate announcement is generated after all other announcements have been completed, even if "" is listed together with other TAGs. "" is used to make a concise outbound report when the OUT or OUTVIEW command line option is used. Subj, Prefix and Suffix are ignored. "" is used to make a detailed outbound report when the OUT or OUTVIEW command line option is used. Subj, Prefix and Suffix are ignored. "" represents all passthru areas. If you want to keep NEF from announcing files received in PassThru areas, just use "NoAnnounce ". Examples: Announce UTILNET SOFTDIST SDS* NoAnnounce SDSOTH This announces the file areas with tag "UTILNET", "SOFTDIST" and all those whose TAG starts with "SDS" but not "SDSOTH" or passthru areas. Announce PRIVFILE This announces area "PRIVFILE" and all the TICs that have been processed with errors; at the end, in a separate message, it announces the files that have not been announced elsewhere. Announce SPECIAL This announces the file area with tag "SPECIAL"; at the end, in a separate message, it creates a concise report of the outbound. Announce SPECIAL This announces the file area with tag "SPECIAL"; at the end, in a separate message, it creates a verbose report of the outbound. ═══ 7.4.3. Announce example ═══ Complete example of the announcement definition section, SquishCfg defined: ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Defaults definition FromNode 2:332/504.0 ToNode 2:332/504.0 From Alberto Pasquale To All Subj New Echo Files Attr Prefix PREFIX.NEF Origin ApWorks Modena I (+39-59-246112/3) Suffix SUFFIX.NEF ; Announcement areas: each statement is local to the preceding ; AreaTag and overrides the default one. AreaTag APWORKS Announce APBBS* Prefix RelPre.NEF Subj New ApWorks files AreaTag OS2BBS Announce APBBS* NoAnnounce *DOS* Prefix RelPre.NEF Subj New APBBS files AreaTag NETMAIL Announce From NEF To Alberto Pasquale Subj Not Announced Elsewhere HighAsciiOk AreaTag NETMAIL Announce From NEF To Alberto Pasquale ToNode 2:332/504.1 Subj Processed with Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------- Complete example of the announcement definition section, SquishCfg NOT defined: ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Defaults definition FromNode 2:332/504.0 ToNode 2:332/504.0 From Alberto Pasquale To All Subj New Echo Files Attr Prefix PREFIX.NEF Origin Suffix SUFFIX.NEF ; Announcement areas: each statement is local to the preceding ; AreaPath and overrides the default one. AreaTag SWN_332.500 d:\msg\swn -$ Announce UTILNET Subj UTILNET file news AreaTag SWN_332.500 d:\msg\swn -$ Announce FIDONEWS SDS* ECHO-* FTSC NEWSLETR SOFTDIST NoAnnounce ECHO-R* Subj SDS/NEWS file news AreaPath d:\msg\net -$ ; Netmail to the SysOp Announce NODE* POINTLST From NEF To Alberto Pasquale ToNode 2:332/504.1 Subj Reserved file news Attr PK ; This must be private and kill/sent Origin ; No Origin for netmail ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ═══ 7.5. FileFix Link Robot ═══ FileFix Link Robot It's the traditional "Raid" or "TicFix" function: it allows downlinks (but also special uplinks) to link/unlink file areas via a netmail message. The message should have the agreed password as the subject, possibly followed by some switch. The required password is that defined in the "FileLink" statement described below. The body of the message contains the commands. There can be several commands on a single line provided they are separated by blanks. Password, switches and commands are case insensitive. Switches that can be used in the subject, after the password, only the _first_ letter is required (and checked): -Help Help. -Query List all areas (linked and available). -Linked List linked areas. -Unlinked List unlinked areas. The commands available for the message body are: [+] Links all the areas whose TAG matches . The '+' character is optional (useful in the case starts with the '-' character). - Unlinks all the areas whose TAG matches . %Help same as -h %Query same as -q %List same as -q %Linked same as -l %Unlinked same as -u Example: From: John Doe of 2:332/580.0 To: Nef of 2:332/504.0 Subj: Secret -H ----------------------------- %Query 1* -1-COMM +2* -2-WINDOW --- The Help and Query commands are invoked, all areas whose tag begins with '1' are linked, area "1-COMM" is unlinked, all areas whose tag begins with '2' are linked and area "2-WINDOW" is unlinked. Notes: The actual order of command execution is based on the area definition order. NEF scans the defined areas from the first to the last one only once, applying for each area all the pertinent commands. If a link in a FileArea statement is not properly defined in a FileLink one, it is removed when the Link Robot re-writes that FileArea statement in execution of an Add or Delete command. While re-writing areas, the Link Robot will NOT re-order the links. However it will respect an existing order while adding new links. If Area aka overrides are used, they are reported by Area-List commands. ═══ 7.5.1. AutoLink ═══ AutoLink The robot will answer to the messages addressed to one of the addresses defined in the "system" section and to one of the names defined in the AutoLink statements. You can use as many AutoLink statements as you need to define all the akas you like. If no AutoLink statement is used, then the Link Robot is disabled. Example: AutoLink NEF AutoLink Raid AutoLink TicFix ═══ 7.5.2. NetMail ═══ NetMail [-$] [-p] This defines a netmail area to be searched for messages addressed to the robot. You can use as many NetMail statements as you need. The optional -$ indicates a Squish format area. The optional "-p" specifies the primary (default) address for the area. When multiple NetMails are defined, NEF needs to choose (via zone matching) the right area where to write the messages addressed to the FileBone's "FileFix" robot. Usually all but the first netmail statements should contain a primary address specification. Note: when a Squish base is used, a pointer to the last scanned message is stored in .NEF, so that next scan will consider new messages only. Example: NetMail d:\msg\fidonet -$ ; default NetMail d:\msg\os2net -$ -p89:456/789 ; OS2Net ═══ 7.5.3. KillReceived ═══ KillReceived This keyword instructs NEF to kill messages addressed to the Link Robot after the execution of the contained commands. When commented out, the messages are marked as received instead of being erased. ═══ 7.5.4. AreaDescWrap ═══ AreaDescWrap The descriptions returned by the "FileFix" functions will be word-wrapped so that continuation lines start with spaces and do not exceed column . Example: AreaDescWrap 25 79 ═══ 7.5.5. HelpFile ═══ HelpFile This keyword defines the file to be put into the Link Robot's answer in reply to a Help request. Usually this file contains instructions for using the Link Robot. Example: HelpFile d:\bbs\nef\NefHelp.Txt ═══ 7.5.6. ProtArea ═══ ProtArea [/] This keyword allows to selectively protect areas from automatic linking. Unlinking is always possible. The protection scheme is based on the traditional combination of level and keys. specifies the TAG or group of TAGs to be protected. is an integer number in the range 0-65535. is a subset of the following 32 element set: {12345678ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX} These keys are case insensitive. When processing an area TAG, NEF scans the ProtArea statements from the first one to the last one: the first matching determines the protection level and keys. If no match is found, is assumed to be the maximum and the full set of available keys, so that the area gains maximum protection. Usually it's convenient to override the default maximum protection so that you can list only a few special areas with their protection level and keys while letting all the others get a default NULL protection (automatic linking for everybody). To accomplish this result, you can use a "ProtArea * 0" as the last ProtArea statement. Please, note that the order of the ProtArea statements is _essential_, since they area scanned from the first one to the last one in search for a match between the TAG in examination and the of the ProtArea statements. Example: ProtArea PRIVATE 1000/12ABC ; Protected private area ProtArea 1* 100/P ; Areas starting with '1' ; are not for everybody. ProtArea * 0 ; The remaining areas are ; for everybody. ═══ 7.5.7. FileBone Support ═══ FileBone Support NEF is able to use information distributed via the FileBone.Na and FileBone.No files. Many useful functions are allowed by the use of these files, so, even if you do not receive them from your uplink, you could evaluate the possibility of creating "FileBone-style" files on your own, just to store some information that can be retrieved by NEF. When FileBone-style files are used: - The Query command reports the areas available on the FileBone, in addition to those that are not linked to the downlink but already available on the local system. - Area descriptions can be returned by FileFix commands. - Level and Keys protect areas from "FileFix" linking. A node is entitled to add an area only if it has level and keys that match the requirements from BOTH the "ProtArea" statements in Nef.Cfg and the [/] specification in a FileBone format file (if available). - Requests for unlinked areas can be forwarded to the FileBone. The requests that have been forwarded to some uplink are stored in a file named after the configuration one, changing the extension to ".Fwd". Usually the configuration file is "Nef.Cfg", so the forwarded requests will be stored in "Nef.Fwd". The format is: , i.e. every line contains a Tag followed by the 4D Address of the downlink that made the request. When a new area is created, NEF looks into this file in order to find nodes to be added to the new "FileArea" definition. If a requested (and not yet defined) Tag is found in two or more FileBone files, the request is forwarded to the uplink defined in the first FileBone statement only. Don't mind if the Nef.Fwd file contains multiple entries for the same Tag. This can happen when multiple requests for the same area have been received. When the first file comes in and the area is created, all entries will be deleted while the link will be added once. ═══ FileBone ═══ FileBone [ [

    Multiple FileBone statements are allowed.

     is the filename of the FileBone-style file.

    If you want to enable the forward of requests for new
    areas from your downlinks to your uplink(s), you must
    specify the following fields (to be enclosed between
    quotes when containing space) so that they can be used
    to write netmail messages to your uplink's FileFix:

     is the "from" name.

     is the "to" name.

     is the "to" 4D address.

     is a [/keys] specification, to limit the
       access of downlinks to request forwards addressed
       to  for the areas described in .

 is an optional string to be prefixed to the area
       Tags that are being requested.


    FileBone \bbs\FileBone.Na "John Doe" SysOp 2:332/1 0

    The "\bbs\FileBone.Na" file is used by NEF, also for
    request forwards.

    When a downlink requests an area that is not currently
    defined in the NEF configuration (usually TicArea.Cfg)
    but is described in FileBone.Na, a netmail message is
    written by NEF from "John Doe" to "SysOp" of 2:332/1
    using the appropriate "from address" aka and "subject"
    (password) as per the "FileLink" definition of 2:332/1.
    The body contains a list of the requested area Tags, one
    per line.

    No ( = "0") protection is specified (any downlink
    has access to request forwards).

    FileBone \bbs\FB.SP "John Doe" SysOp 2:332/1 30/a +

    Only downlinks with level equal or above 30 and with the
    'A' key have access to request forwards. The requested
    tags will be preceded by "+".

    If you need a space between the '+' and the tag, then you
    must specify a 
 that contains a space, so you have
    to enclose it in quotes:

    FileBone \bbs\FB.SP "John Doe" SysOp 2:332/1 0 "+ "

═══ FileBone Format ═══

            FileBone Format

The format for the filebone style is:

 Area  [/]  

     is the TIC area Tag.
     The original filebone format allows 8 character
     maximum but NEF is not that limited.

     is the protection level of the area, for "FileFix"
     The original format allows the range 0-4095 while NEF
     allows 0-65535.

     are a set of protection keys (1..8, A..X).
     Not available in the original FileBone format.

    is a combinaton of !.*& and possibly other characters.

    By default (no flags) the area is uni-directional, from
    the uplink to the defined downlinks.

    ! : Can be found at any Filebone Hub.
    . : Only on some Filebone Hubs.
    * : Any node can hatch into.
    & : Do not send to downlinks.

  Others : Private distribution.


      normal area from the uplink to its downlinks,
      available on all Filebone Hubs.

      return channel from the downlinks to the
      uplink, available on all Filebone Hubs.

      bidirectional area (any node can hatch into),
      available on some Filebone hubs only.

    is the description for the area.


 Area APBBS   0  P ApWorks OS/2 BBS programs
 Area NODEDIFF 0/f ! FidoNet: Weekly NodeList Updates

═══ ForwardWildReq ═══


    When a FileFix "Add" request contains wildcards, by
    default it is NOT forwarded to the filebone.
    This verb enables even this type of request forward.

═══ 7.6. Link Definitions ═══

            Link Definitions

The FileLink statement is used to define a link, specifying its
password, attributes and privileges.

The FileArea statement is used to define a file area, specifying
its type and the list of connected systems (that must be defined
via FileLink statements).

═══ 7.6.1. FileLink ═══

] [ [[/] [ ...]]] The parameters of this keyword have been represented on two lines because of space, but they MUST be listed on a unique line in the .cfg file. This keyword defines a file link; you must use a FileLink statement for each of your links (both downlinks and uplinks).
is the 4D address of the link. is the case insensitive password to be used for all TIC exchanges and for the Link Robot function. NEF has no limit for the password length, anyway you should be aware that other similar programs might have limits, so check with your downlink/uplink before choosing a long password (8 characters should be OK for everyone). #
This optional field indicates a "from" 4D address to be used for the .TICs sent to this link (overrides the zone-match and is in turn overriden by the area override (see "FileArea")). This field is a (case insensitive) set of characters: [][]. It can be 1 to 3 characters long: - The first flag is mandatory; it defines the flavour of the file-attaches that NEF will create for .TIC and associated files. Please note that this flag can be overridden on a per-area basis by prefixing the link address with a new flavour-flag in the FileArea statement. The available choices for this flag and the consequent file-attach extension follow: H -> .HLO (Hold) C -> .CLO (Crash) D -> .DLO (Direct) F -> .FLO (Normal) N -> .FLO (Normal) The 'N' flag is provided for "compatibility", but it's the same as 'F'. - The second flag is optional: it defines whether NEF must send a .TIC together with the file or not. S -> .TIC sent (default). T -> .TIC not sent. Usually the default is used (this flag can be omitted), but sometimes points like not receiving the .TIC file. Please note that this flag can be overridden on a per-area basis by prefixing the link address with a new flag in the FileArea statement. - The third flag is optional. It is provided for completeness and it is sometimes very handy, but it is recommended not to use it too often since its use might unnecessarily complicate the interpretation of the configuration. It defines whether this link has bidirectional access to file areas or not. This is an override to the "area direction" field of each FileArea definition. Please note that this flag can be overridden on a per-area basis by prefixing the link address with a new flag in the FileArea statement. I -> Only Input is allowed from this link. NEF will not send files. O -> Only output is allowed to this link. NEF will not accept files. * -> Bidirectional link. These are the (case insensitive) attributes for the Link Robot's netmail replies: K -> Kill/Sent C -> Crash H -> Hold D -> Direct (equivalent to "CH") N -> Normal (default) O -> Normal (default) The Private attribute is always implied. ATTENTION: you should usually use the 'H' attribute for file links that are not netmail links too. Otherwise the "Normal" flavoured netmail replies will be routed as per your routing configuration instead of being holded for the file link. This is an integer number in the range 0-65535 and represents the access level to the Link Robot for this node. Defaults to 0. If it is greater or equal to the protection level of a certain file area, then this node can link the area via the Link Robot, provided it has the necessary keys. is a subset of the following 32 element set: {12345678ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX} and represents the (case insensitive) access keys to the Link Robot for this node. If contains all the keys that protect a certain area, then the node can link the area via the Link Robot, provided it has a sufficient access level. The optional list of s specifies the area TAGs that must be automatically linked to this node when they are automatically created by NEF. New areas can be automatically created when unknown TAGs are found in ingoing .TICs (see "NewAreasFrom" above in this reference). You can make NEF automatically link the downlink to the areas that match the specification(s). Examples: - FileLink 2:332/593 pwd593 IN Node 2:332/593 has password "pwd503", is enabled to send .TICs to us ('I') and the file attaches addressed to it (if any) will be normal flavoured ('N'). Note that file attaches to this node will only be possible if a local area override will be used, since the 'I' flag instructs NEF to accept files from the node but not to send to it. Nothing is specified about the Link Robot's reply flags and access level and keys, so this node will be able to link only areas with protection level 0 and no keys; the Robot's reply will be normal flavoured. - FileLink 2:331/196.1 pwd1961 H NK 300/ab Node 2:331/196.1 has password "pwd1961", nothing is specified about link direction (it will depend on the "area direction" and local overrides), the file attaches will be Hold flavoured ('H'), the reply netmails will be normal flavoured ('N') and kill/sent ('K'), the access level is 300 and the access keys are a,b. - FileLink 2:332/1 pwd1 #2:332/500 H N 900/ab MI* *OS2* Node 2:332/1 has password "pwd1", all the TICs sent to this node will use the from-address 2:332/500 (provided there is no aka override at the "FileArea" level), the file attaches will be Hold flavoured ('H'), the netmail replies will be normal flavoured ('N'), the access level is 900 and the access keys a,b. New areas whose TAG begins with "MI" or contains "OS2" will be automatically linked when they are automatically created by NEF. ═══ 7.6.2. FileArea ═══ FileArea I|O|* [#
] [-0[]] [[] ...] The parameters of this keyword have been represented on two lines because of space, but they MUST be listed on a unique line in the .cfg file. This keyword defines an echo file area. If you have a small system, you can put the area definitions in the main configuration file (e.g. NEF.CFG). For systems with a large number of areas and links, it is recommended to use a separate file for the area definitions: see the "TicAreaCfg" keyword, formerly discussed in this documentation. ATTENTION: when using the "TicAreaCfg" separate file, you must put ALL the FileArea statements in that file. You are not allowed to put area definitions both in the main .cfg file and in the dedicated TicAreaCfg file at the same time ! Please note that all the FileArea statements, if included in the main .cfg file, MUST be defined _after_ the FileLink statements. is the area TAG. is the directory for the file area. I|O|* is the (case insensitive) "area direction" and defines the default direction for the area: 'I' we accept files from the listed nodes but do not send to them, unless an override flag is present before the or in the pertinent "FileLink" definition. This should usually be used for "pre" areas, in which files must be collected from downlinks and sent to the area coordinator via the uplink, which will probably need a local 'O' override. 'O' we send files to the listed nodes but do not accept from them, unless an override flag is present before the or in the pertinent "FileLink" definition. This should usually be used for areas that must be distributed to downlinks. The uplink will need a local 'I' override before its field or a global one in its FileLink definition. '*' the area is bidirectional, so we both send and accept files to/from the listed nodes, unless an override flag is present before the or in the pertinent "FileLink" definition. This should be used for bidirectional areas, in which everybody is allowed to "hatch" files. #
defines the primary address to be used for this area; overrides both the default zone-match and the aka overrides in "FileLink" definitions -0[] When the "-0" (zero) is specified, the area is "Passthru", that is its files will be deleted when already sent to all the downlinks. Please note that ANY file (apart from FILES.*) present in the and not attached to any system will be deleted. If the optional parameter is used, the files will not be deleted until they become older than _AND_ not referenced by any file attach. is an integer <= 65535. Please note that you can use the Touch and KillDate statements to control the date used to evalutate the file age. NEF must be explicitly instructed to delete the old files in passthru areas, usually in some maintenance event. See also the "-p" and "CLEAN" command line options. The list of linked nodes follows; each node can have some attached before the node address. The available flags are the same as for the field in the "FileLink" statement. This is an optional (case insensitive) field made up of 1 to 3 characters: [H|C|D|N|F][S|T][I|O|*]. - The first flag defines the flavour of the file-attaches that NEF will create for .TIC and associated files. Please note that this flag overrides that in the pertinent "FileLink" statement. The available choices for this flag and the consequent file-attach extension follow: H -> .HLO (Hold) C -> .CLO (Crash) D -> .DLO ( Direct) F -> .FLO (Normal) N -> .FLO (Normal) The 'N' flag is provided for "compatibility", but it's the same as 'F'. - The second flag defines whether NEF must send a .TIC together with the file or not. S -> .TIC sent. T -> .TIC not sent. Please note that this flag overrides that in the pertinent "FileLink" statement. - The third flag defines the direction of the link. Please note that this flag overrides that in the pertinent "FileLink" statement, which in turn overrides the "area direction". I -> Only Input is allowed from this link. NEF will not send files. O -> Only output is allowed to this link. NEF will not accept files. * -> Bidirectional link. This is a 4D address, that can be abbreviated whenever the preceding address has the same zone, zone:net or zone:net/node. For the first , if incomplete, the primary address for the area is used; anyway NEF always writes the first address in complete form when rewriting the area due to a Link Robot command. Examples: Please note that the situation might be a little different from what explained below, since the FileLink definitions could have some overriding flags. FileArea AREA1 d:\file\area1 O I2:332/1 504.1 .2 1:2/3 Typical area definition, where we receive from the uplink (marked with 'I') and forward to the listed downlinks (area direction 'O'). FileArea AREA2 d:\file\area2 O -0 I2:332/1 504.1 .2 1:2/3 Same as above, but passthru. FileArea AREA3 d:\file\area3 O -030 I2:332/1 504.1 .2 1:2/3 Same as above, but the files will not be deleted until they are 30 day old. FileArea AREA4 d:\file\area4 I O2:5/1 3/1 332/504.2 .3 This is a "reverse" area, where we receive from the listed nodes (area direction 'I') and send to the one marked with 'O'. FileArea AREA5 d:\file\area5 * 2:5/1 3/1 332/504.2 .3 This is a bidirectional area (direction '*'), where we receive from any of the listed nodes and forward to all the others. FileArea AREA6 d:\file\area6 O #2:332/500 I2:332/596 C555 A normal "up-link to down-links" area ('O'); we use 2:332/500 as the primary address, accept files from 2:332/596 and forward to 2:332/555 with a crash flavoured file attach. FileArea AREA7 d:\file\area7 O S2:332/504.1 10:10/0 *100/1 Normal "up-link to down-links" area ('O'); 10:100/1 is the only node enabled to send to us (bidirectional override '*'); we forward to 2:332/504.1 and 10:10/0. If we hatch files, we send to 10:100/1 too, since it is bidirectional. We send the .TIC accompanying files to 2:332/504.1 ('S') even if it had a 'T' flag in its FileLink definition. ═══ 7.7. Compress Definition File ═══ COMPRESS DEFINITION FILE The file specified in the CompressCfg statement is a sequence of Archive definition blocks, each one starting with "Archiver" and ending with "End Archiver". You can find an example in the Compress.Cfg file included in the distribution pack. The order of the archive definition blocks within this file may be important: when trying to unpack a compressed file, the list of archivers is scanned in a reverse order. In the case of two archivers that use the same identification string (e.g. ARC and PAK), you must specify the archiver that can unpack both (PAK) after the other one (ARC). The compress.cfg file can be shared between DOS/NT and OS/2 applications: the "DOS" and "OS2" keywords are available to distinguish between the commands to be used under DOS/NT and OS/2. O.S. specific archivers or commands must be prefixed with the relevant keyword. IMPORTANT NOTE: The lines that begin with "DOS" or "OS2" are parsed by the DOS/NT and OS/2 versions respectively. If you need the OS/2 version to execute a DOS command, you MUST NOT use the DOS keyword: if you do, it will never parse that line; if you do not, it will execute the DOS command "normally", provided you have installed OS/2's Dos support. See the examples below. ═══ 7.7.1. Archiver ═══ Archiver Starts the Archive definition block. is the name used to identify this archiver. Example: Archiver ZIP ═══ 7.7.2. Extension ═══ Extension Specifies the default extension for the compressed files. Example: Extension ZIP ═══ 7.7.3. Ident ═══ Ident , is a decimal integer number representing the offset at which an archive identity marker must be present. Negative values can be used to indicate offsets from the END of a compressed file. -1 means "the last byte", -2 "the second last byte" and so on. is a series of hexadecimal figures which represent the bytes of the marker string that must be present at the specified offset of the archive file. Example: Ident 0,504b0304 ; "PK^c^d" ═══ 7.7.4. Add ═══ Add Specifies the command to add files to an archive. %a and %f are translated to the name of the archive and file to add. Example: Add zip -jk %a %f ═══ 7.7.5. Extract ═══ Extract Specifies the command to extract files from an archive. %a and %f are translated to the name of the archive and file to extract. Example: Extract unzip -qqnjC %a %f ═══ 7.7.6. View ═══ View This line is recognized and accepted for compatibility, but not used. ═══ 7.7.7. End Archiver ═══ End Archiver This statement is used to close a Archive definition. ═══ 7.7.8. Examples ═══ Examples Complete example 1 (you need OS/2 only): Archiver ZIP Extension ZIP Ident 0,504b0304 Add zip -jk %a %f Extract unzip -qqnjC %a %f View unzip -v %a End Archiver Complete example 2 (you need DOS only): Archiver ZIP Extension ZIP Ident 0,504b0304 Add pkzip -a %a %f Extract pkunzip -n %a %f View pkzip -v %a End Archiver Complete example 3 (you need both OS/2 and DOS): Archiver ZIP Extension ZIP Ident 0,504b0304 OS2 Add zip -jk %a %f DOS Add pkzip -a %a %f OS2 Extract unzip -qqnjC %a %f DOS Extract pkunzip -n %a %f OS2 View unzip -v %a DOS View pkzip -v %a End Archiver Complete example 4 (archiver to be used under DOS only): DOS Archiver ZOO DOS Extension ZOO DOS Ident 0,5a4f4f ; "ZOO" DOS Add zoo a: %a %f DOS Extract zoo e:O %a %f DOS View zoo v %a DOS End Archiver Complete example 5 (it's a DOS executable, to be used under DOS or OS/2 indifferently): Archiver ZOO Extension ZOO Ident 0,5a4f4f ; "ZOO" Add zoo a: %a %f Extract zoo e:O %a %f View zoo v %a End Archiver ═══ 8. TroubleShooting ═══ TroubleShooting Problem: NEF does not append to Echotoss.log. Solution: Make sure that the announcement area is defined with AreaTag (not AreaPath). You might also need the SquishCfg keyword, if you want NEF to automatically retrieve the area Path and type. ═══ 9. SHAREWARE ═══ S H A R E W A R E If you like this program and continue using it, you should pay the author for his work, as per the ShareWare concept of distribution. Please see LICENSE.DOC and REGISTER.DOC for information. Thank you for your interest in ApWorks programs. ═══ 9.1. License.Doc ═══ ╔═══════╗ ║ ║ ║ N E F ║ ║ ║ ╚═══════╝ L I C E N S E P O L I C Y May 1996 This software (program and accompanying documentation) are: Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Alberto Pasquale, all rights reserved. DISTRIBUTION FORMAT This software is distributed in a locked RAR archive, with embedded authenticity-verification information. The distribution of modified archives, including those derived from the conversion to a different archiver, is explicitly prohibited. When the RAR extension is not accepted, you should either store the original RAR archive inside a different one (e.g. RAR inside ZIP) or get the self-extracting executable that is prepared by the author (available on ftp.wilmington.net/bmtmicro). S H A R E W A R E This software is distributed as ShareWare: you are granted the right to evaluate the program for a maximum of 30 days before paying the author. After the evaluation period, you are required to either register (see REGISTER.DOC) or stop using the program. You are encouraged to distribute the original and unmodified package freely, in any form and on any media, provided you do not charge any fee for the program itself. This package could be included in CD-ROM collections, subscription download areas, BBS packages, provided it remains in its complete and unmodified original archive. In any case, the user must register with the author after the evaluation period. IMPORTANT: the registration is NOT a trade transaction, it is to be considered as payment of royalties; therefor the registration key is personal and NOT transferrable. DISCLAIMER This software is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The person using the software bears all risk as to its quality and performance. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason. ═══ 9.2. Register.Doc ═══ ** ** ******* ******* *** ** ** * ** * **** ** ** * ** * ** **** **** **** ** *** ** * ** * ** ** ** * ** ** ** ******* **** (C) Copyright 1991-1996 by Alberto Pasquale A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D For licensing terms and disclaimer, see LICENSE.DOC. This program required a lot of work: by registering you will support me in developing this and other similar products. You will receive a registration Key that removes the initial 2 second pause and makes the program show "Registered To: " instead of the registration request banner. The registration is guaranteed valid for all future minor updates and, in any case, for all versions that will be released in a period of 2 years after registration. After this period, an upgrade fee might possibly be required in the case of major new releases. The registration key works with the current version of the program for ANY platform: you do not have to pay anything in the case you change your operating system. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ Registration fee: US$ 20, DEM 30, ITL 30,000 or (see below) ║ ║ ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ═══ 9.2.1. How to Register ═══ HOW TO REGISTER Registering is quite easy; you can register: - Directly with me by cash, check or international postal money order. - via local Registration Site in Germany, Denmark (Sweden, Norway), UK, Croatia. - via BMT Micro (Wilmington, NC, USA), by credit card, money order, cashiers check, personal check, German or British currency. - via PsL (Houston, TX, USA), by credit card. The registration key will be sent you via internet e-mail or crash netmail depending on availability; fax and postal mail will be used only in case of problems. Should you not receive your registration key in a reasonable time, please feel free to contact me. Please allow at least 3 weeks for response to international airmail. Please address your requests, complaints, suggestions to: Alberto Pasquale of 2:332/504@fidonet alberto.pasquale@mo.nettuno.it 2:332/504@fidonet +39-59-246112 ISDNC V34+ V32T H16 2:332/524@fidonet +39-59-246113 ISDNC V34 V32T H16 FAX ═══ Author's ═══ Hot to register directly with the author You have to send the registration information and money to: Alberto Pasquale Viale Verdi 106 41100 Modena Italy ═══ Cash ═══ Cash: Just put the (accurately hidden) banknotes (US$ 20, DEM 30, ITL 30,000) together with Register.For in an envelope. If you do not have US dollars, German marks or Italian liras and do not like going to the bank, you can send the equivalent in your currency, provided it is commonly exchangeable. Please be aware that coins are nice gifts but are NOT exchangeable. ═══ Check ═══ Check: Just put the check (accurately hidden) together with Register.For in an envelope. Please read carefully the following instructions: - Eurocheque: ITL 30,000 (thirty thousand). - Italian check: 30.000 lire - Other (bank) checks: US$ 25, DEM 35, ITL 40,000 or equivalent (the surcharge is to partially cover the foreign check redemption cost). ATTENTION: NO Postal Checks please. ═══ Postal Money Order ═══ Postal Money Order: Just go to the post office and ask for an _INTERNATIONAL_ postal money order. It is best to go to a major post office, since minor ones are generally not used dealing with international money orders. Usually you can choose whether to use your currency or the recipient's. Please be sure to specify the necessary registration information in the "sender message" field or send Register.For separately to the author. - International money order in italian liras: ITL 30,000 (thirty thousand). - International money order in your currency: US$ 23, DEM 35 or equivalent. - Italian money order "vaglia": 30.000 lire. IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT send me normal "domestic" postal money orders, since they are not payable outside of your country; you must use INTERNATIONAL postal money orders. If you would like to receive the key soon, you can FAX me (+39-59-246113) the receipt of the postal money order together with REGISTER.FOR. ═══ Local Registration/Support sites ═══ Local Registration/Support Sites: If you choose this way, you will have contacts with the local supporter only: you will send him the money and registration form; in a few days you will receive your key. ═══ Germany ═══ Germany: Roland Schiradin Stockbornstr. 10 65343 Eltville Germany Fidonet: 2:2454/169 Mail Only Internet: degr9tr9@ibmmail.com Reg. Fee: DEM 35 He has the APWORKS support echo and TIC file-areas for my programs available. Besides he can provide you with information about the nodes carrying APWORKS in Germany. He has the latest version of ApWorks programs available for F/R with the same magics listed in Readme.1st. ═══ Denmark/Sweden/Norway ═══ Denmark Sweden Norway: Jens Holm Skanderupgade 9, D2 8660 Skanderborg Denmark Reg. Fee: 125.- DKR. Can be paid cash, check or postal order. Email: 2:238/888.0@fidonet, 9:451/180@virnet, 81:445/40@os2net for swedish and norwegian users, if in doubt, please contact regsite for payment in local currency, reply will be crashed back. ═══ United Kingdom ═══ United Kingdom: Vince Coen Applewood House Epping Road Roydon, Harlow Essex, CM19 5DA, UK Fidonet: 2:257/609 Reg. Fee: GBP 15.00 Payment can be in Cash, Cheque (bankers card number on order form please) or EuroCheck. Or direct to my bankers. Payment MUST be in Pounds Sterling. For payment though the bank: Bank: First Direct. Sort code: 40-47-86. Account: 00449334 Account name: Vincent Coen. Payment reference must include Sysop name and node number. He has the latest version of ApWorks programs available for F/R with the same magics listed in Readme.1st. ═══ Croatia ═══ Croatia: Branko Radojevic KOPIJA d.o.o. Pera Rudenjaka 2a HR-20000 Dubrovnik Fidonet: 2:381/124 2:381/20 Internet: branko@pfdu.hr sysop@pulsar.fido.hr PULSAR BBS Dubrovnik Data : +385 20 413 299 (ZYX, V34) Voice: +385 20 412 999 Reg. Fee: Kn 135 ═══ BMT Micro ═══ How to register with BMT Micro You have to fill in the BmtMicro.For registration form and send it (or equivalent information) to BMT Micro. ATTENTION: for any question regarding the program, its registration, support etc, you must contact me directly. Please contact BMT Micro to order ONLY. Usually your key will be delivered within 2 business days. In certain holiday periods (Christmas, Easter, end of July, first half of August) there might be some delay (a few days for Christmas or Easter, a couple of weeks in July/August). If you think your order is particularly late, please contact me first ! Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (Orders only) (910) 791-7052 (Orders / Order Inquires) Fax Orders: (800) 346-1672 24 hours, 7 days a week (910) 350-2937 24 hours, 7 days a week Online Orders via BBS: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 28.8k v.FC BBS via Telnet: bmt.wilmington.net via Compuserve: Thomas Bradford, 74031,307 via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diner's Club. They also accept money orders, cashiers checks, personal checks, German or British currency via registered mail. Personal checks are subject to clearance. ═══ PsL ═══ How to register with PsL (by credit card) You must fill in the PsL.Crd and Register.For forms; then you must send BOTH of them to PSL directly (they will forward Register.for information to me). You can order with MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover Card: the charge is US$ 25. ATTENTION: you MUST NOT send me any information about your credit card. If you do, I am NOT allowed to forward your credit card info to PSL. ATTENTION: for any question regarding the program, its registration, key delivery etc, you must contact me directly. You must contact PSL to order ONLY. PSL will notify me your order within one business day and I will usually send your key by e-mail or crash netmail within 24h, so if you order by fax or phone, you should usually receive your key within 2 business days. ATTENTION: In certain "holiday" periods (Christmas, Easter, end of July, first half of August) there might be some delay (a few days for Christmas or Easter, a couple of weeks in July/August). If you think your order is particularly late, please contact me first ! ATTENTION: It may happen that the PSL operator asks you for your preferred diskette format. You must be aware that this may be "standard" PSL procedure, but I will send you a key ONLY (via e-mail, crash netmail, fax or letter), since you already have the program. IMPORTANT: Please, be sure to always give PsL the address where you want to receive your key: e-mail address, fidonet name _and_ address, fax number, and/or complete postal address. If you are not in the fidonet nodelist and I don't receive enough information, I will be forced to send you an air-mail letter (2-3 weeks for delivery). In the case of doubts, you can send the Register.For to me too, by e-mail, crash netmail or fax. Credit card registrations may be made by the following methods (please be sure to always include all the necessary information from BOTH Register.For and PsL.Crd). -- Phone PsL at: 800-2424-PsL i.e. 800-2424-775 (Toll free from USA) +1-713-524-6394 (international) PSL Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST Monday->Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CST Friday Be sure to have BOTH Register.For AND PsL.Crd available to give order information to PSL. First of all, mention the PSL part number specified in PsL.Crd. -- FAX PsL at +1-713-524-6398 -- Email PsL at CompuServe userid 71355,470 -- Write PsL at: The Public (software) Library P.O. Box 35705 Houston, TX 77235-5705, USA Please, let me insist one more time: ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ The above numbers are for ORDERS ONLY. ║ ║ Any question about the status of the shipment of the ║ ║ order (registration key), registration options, ║ ║ product details, technical support, etc, must be ║ ║ directed to the author, at the address given above in ║ ║ this documentation. ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ═══ 9.2.2. How to fill in Register.For ═══ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPILING REGISTER.FOR To avoid errors in the key, please PRINT. Thank you very much for your support ! ═══ Name ═══ Name: Your complete name. Example: John Doe ═══ Reg ═══ Reg: The registration string you want displayed by the program. You can use any character in the IBM set (including special national characters above ASCII 127; if you do not use code page 437 (USA), please specify the code numbers) and you can use lowercase and uppercase at your preference. Maximum length: 63 characters. Usually it should be the same as your name, in which case you can omit this field. ═══ e-mail to ═══ e-mail to: This is your internet e-mail address, if available. ═══ Netmail to ═══ Netmail to: You have to specify the complete destination field for the netmail message. Examples: John Doe of 1:200/300.4 John Doe of 1:200/300.0 ═══ Crash to ═══ Crash to: You have to specify the data necessary for crashing the message. Usually this should be your system or your Boss (if you are a point). I will call as 2:332/504@fidonet. - If your system (or your Boss) is 24h and it is in the fidonet nodelist, you can omit this field. - If your system is not 24h, please give me a 24h system to which I can crash your netmail for routing. - If the system in consideration is not in the fidonet nodelist, please add its complete phone number and modem type. Examples: 1:200/400@fidonet 9:800/700@ABCnet +1-703-4567 V34, ISDNC ═══ Fax ═══ Fax: This is your (24h) fax number, if any. ═══ Address ═══ Address: The postal address is the last opportunity of sending you the key. ═══ Version ═══ Version: You should indicate BOTH the version number AND the Operating System. Example: ver. 2.34 OS/2 This is not essential and is included for statistical purposes only (the key works with all current versions). ═══ Notes ═══ Notes: You can send me your wish list for future versions, or anything you like. ═══ 9.2.3. How to fill in BmtMicro.For ═══ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPILING BMTMICRO.FOR The first section contains data necessary for BMT Micro (your name, company, address, phone and fax). The second section contains the "Registration Information" that will be relayed to me so that I can build the key and deliver it to you. The third section contains the product and cost indication. The registration is valid for any operating system. The forth section contains data for Credit Card payment. To avoid errors, please PRINT. Thank you very much for your support ! ═══ Reg ═══ Reg: The registration string you want displayed by the program, ASCII characters only (<127). Maximum length: 63 characters. ═══ e-mail to ═══ e-mail to: This is your internet e-mail address, if available. ═══ Netmail to ═══ Netmail to: You have to specify the complete destination field for the netmail message. Examples: John Doe of 1:200/300.4 John Doe of 1:200/300.0 ═══ Crash to ═══ Crash to: You have to specify the data necessary for crashing the message. Usually this should be your system or your Boss (if you are a point). I will call as 2:332/504@fidonet. - If your system (or your Boss) is 24h and it is in the fidonet nodelist, you can omit this field. - If your system is not 24h, please give me a 24h system to which I can crash your netmail for routing. - If the system in consideration is not in the fidonet nodelist, please add its complete phone number and modem type. Examples: 1:200/400@fidonet 9:800/700@ABCnet +1-703-4567 V34, ISDNC ═══ 9.3. Register.For ═══ NEF Registration Form (Please PRINT) See Register.Doc for instructions: Date: __/__/__ Name: _________________________________________________________ Reg.: _________________________________________________________ e-mail to: ____________________________________________________ Netmail to: ___________________________________________________ Crash to: _____________________________________________________ Fax: __________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Version: _.___ OS/2 ( ) NT ( ) DOS ( ) Notes: ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ═══ 9.4. BmtMicro.For ═══ BMT Micro NEF Registration Form ***************************************** * DO NOT SEND this form to the author ! * ***************************************** See Register.Doc for instructions, please PRINT: Date: __/__/__ Name: __________________________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State/Province: _________________ Country: ___________________________ Postal Code: ______________ Phone: _________________________________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION INFORMATION Reg.: __________________________________________________________ e-mail to: _____________________________________________________ Netmail to: ____________________________________________________ Crash to: ______________________________________________________ Product: NEF (by Alberto Pasquale) Price: US$ 25.00 North Carolina residents, please add 6% sales tax: +US$ __.__ Total: US$ __.__ For credit card payment only: Circle one: VISA / Master / Discover / AMEX / Diner's Club Credit card number : _______________________________________ Expiration date : ___/___ Authorization signature: _______________________________________ ═══ 9.5. PsL.Crd ═══ NEF Credit Card Registration Form PSL Part number 11474 ***************************************** * DO NOT SEND this form to the author ! * ***************************************** Please read carefully Register.Doc for instructions. Date _________________________ Cardholder's name, exactly as it appears on the credit card: _____________________________________________________ [Company:] _____________________________________________________ Billing address for the card: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Payment by: ( ) MasterCard ( ) Visa ( ) American Express ( ) Discover Card Card #: _______________________________ Exp. Date: __________ Signature of cardholder: _______________________________________ ═══ 10. Sample config files ═══ Some example configuration files ═══ 10.1. Point or minimal Configuration ═══ ; NEF 2.34, (c) Copyright 1991-1996 Alberto Pasquale ; Nef.Cfg Example ; Minimal configuration ; RegKey ; registration Key Address 2:332/504.1 ; Address StatusLog d:\point\log\nef.LOG ; Binkley Style Log File NetFile d:\point\inb ; Inbound OutBound d:\point\outbound ; Primary Outbound TicHold d:\point\tichold ; To hold outgoing .TICs CheckCRC ; Check ingoing files FileLink 2:332/504 Password C ; Attach with Crash flavour FileArea APBBS d:\point\file\apbbs O 2:332/504 ; Output only FileArea AREA1 d:\point\file\area1 * 2:332/504 ; This is bidirectional ═══ 10.2. Full configuration ═══ ; NEF 2.34, (c) Copyright 1991-1996 Alberto Pasquale ; Nef.Cfg Example ; Full configuration ; SYSTEM ; RegKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ; for Registered users Address 2:332/504.0 ; Primary Address Address 2:332/524.0 ; Second line Address 2:332/500.0 ; Hub Address 81:449/9108.4 ; Point in OS2Net StatusLog d:\bbs\log\nef.log ; Binkley Style Log File ; EchoTossLog d:\bbs\squish\echotoss.log NetFile d:\bbs\inb\net ; Inbounds NetFile d:\bbs\inb\netp OutBound d:\bbs\out\fido ; Primary Outbound OutBound d:\bbs\out\amiga 39 ; Outbound for zone 39 TicHold d:\bbs\tichold ; To hold outgoing .TICs BusyFlags ; .BSY support (multitasking) ; NoRaidBeforeHatch ; Skip TicFix when hatching MsgSize 32000 ; Max size before msg split TicAreaCfg d:\bbs\nef\TicArea.Cfg ; Where file areas are defined CompressCfg d:\bbs\squish\compress.cfg ; OS/2 Only SquishCfg d:\bbs\squish\squish.cfg ; Optional support for Squish MaxPrm d:\bbs\max\max.prm ; Optional support for Max 3.x ; MaxAreaAdd d:\bbs\max\filearea.ctl 0 Transient Tic.New ; MaxAreaCompile siltp max -a -2a FileBaseUpdate ; Internal Max filebase update ; UniqueDmpLine ; TIC PROCESSING ; NoSecure ; Disable security checks ; NoReplace 3* AP* ; Disable replace in spec. areas CheckCRC ; Check CRC of ingoing files Touch Creation ; Touch Creation date on toss KillDate Creation ; Use Creation date to kill old files ; MultiLineDesc 31 ; Enable Files.bbs multi-line descriptions NewAreasPath c:\file ; Path for auto-created areas NewAreasFrom 10:10/100 ; Address authorized for auto-creation NewAreasFrom 2:339/900 #2:332/500 ; Address override for created areas DescStart "/bt [00] " 1* 2* ; Description prefix in areas 1*, 2* DescStart "/b [00] " 3* ; A different one for areas 3* TagFwd 1-Comm Bbs AC*n TRY.* ; Some area split forward TagFwd GenNode Pointlst PTLIST.* ; FeatureLoad d:\bbs\nef\MyDll ; Feature DLL support ; Feature CfgItem1 "This is Item 1" ; Feature CfgItem2 "This is Item 2" ; TIC ANNOUNCEMENTS ; Default announcement parameters FromNode 2:332/504.0 ; For the message header ToNode 2:332/504.0 From Alberto Pasquale To All Subj New Echo Files Attr ; no special attribute Prefix d:\bbs\nef\PREFIX.NEF ; Message body prefix, suffix, origin Suffix d:\bbs\nef\SUFFIX.NEF Origin ; Announcement areas: default parameters can be overridden AreaTag APWORKS ; If SquishCfg can't be used, Announce APBBS* ; path and type of area Prefix RelPre.NEF ; must be specified. Subj New ApWorks files AreaTag OS2BBS Announce APBBS* NoAnnounce *DOS* ; Do not announce Tags Prefix RelPre.NEF ; that contain "DOS". Subj New APBBS files AreaTag SWN_332.500 Announce FLEET* Subj New FleetStreet files AreaTag SWN_332.500 Announce HARALD* OS2POINT CFOS Subj New files from Harald Kamm AreaTag NETMAIL Announce From NEF To Alberto Pasquale Subj Not Announced Elsewhere HighAsciiOk AreaTag NETMAIL Announce From NEF To Alberto Pasquale Subj Processed with Errors ; LINK ROBOT AutoLink NEF ; The Link Robot will answer to these names AutoLink Raid AutoLink TicFix NetMail d:\bbs\mail\net -$ NetMail d:\bbs\mail\os2net -$ -p81:449/9108.4 ; KillReceived ; Kill instead of marking as received AreaDescWrap 25 79 ; Word wrap for area description HelpFile d:\bbs\nef\NefHelp.Txt ; Returned when help requested ProtArea 1* 300/A ; Areas 1* and 2* are protected ProtArea 2* 300/B ProtArea * 0 ; All the others are free FileBone d:\bbs\misc\FileAp.Lst FileBone d:\bbs\misc\FileBone.Na "Alberto Pasquale" SysOp 2:332/1 0 ; ForwardWildReq ; Forward requests with wildcards. FileLink 2:332/593 pwd593 IN ; Simplest link definition FileLink 2:331/196 pwd196 H NK 300/a ; This has a Link Robot access FileLink 2:332/123 pwd123 #2:332/500 H N 300/ab MI* FW* ; Full definition ; If TicAreaCfg is not used, you can put area definitions here: ; FileArea AREA1 d:\file\area1 O I2:332/1 504.1 .2 1:2/3 ; FileArea AREA2 d:\file\area2 O -0 I2:332/1 504.1 .2 1:2/3 ═══ 10.3. Sample Prefix ═══ Echo Files received for distribution: =============================================================================== ═══ 10.4. Sample Suffix ═══ =============================================================================== F/R allowed to everybody (06:00->23:00 GMT) 2:332/504@fidonet +39-59-246112 (ISDNC/V34+/VFC/V32T/H16) 2:332/524@fidonet +39-59-246113 (ISDNC/V34/VFC/V32T/H16) ═══ 10.5. TicArea.Cfg ═══ ; typical areas: ; AREA1 is "uplink to downlinks" ; AREA2 is "uplink to downlinks" and passthru ; AREA3 is "uplink to downlinks" and 30 day passthru ; AREA4 is "downlinks to uplink" ; AREA5 is bidirectional FileArea AREA1 d:\file\area1 O I2:332/1 504.1 .2 1:2/3 FileArea AREA2 d:\file\area2 O -0 I2:332/1 504.1 .2 1:2/3 FileArea AREA3 d:\file\area3 O -030 I2:332/1 504.1 .2 1:2/3 FileArea AREA4 d:\file\area4 I O2:5/1 3/1 332/504.2 .3 FileArea AREA5 d:\file\area5 * 2:5/1 3/1 332/504.2 .3 ; some special areas with overrides FileArea AREA6 d:\file\area6 O #2:332/500 I2:332/596 C555 FileArea AREA7 d:\file\area7 O S2:332/504.1 10:10/0 *100/1 ═══ 10.6. Sample help file ═══ Command examples: %Help : For Help %Query : For a list of linked and available areas %List : Same as Query %Linked : For a list of linked areas %Unlinked : For a list of unlinked areas ===================================================================== 1* -1-COMM Adds all areas whose tag begins with '1', deletes area '1-COMM'. ===================================================================== +2* -2-WINDOW 1-COMM Adds all areas whose tag begins with '2', deletes area '2-WINDOW', adds area '1-COMM' ===================================================================== "Special" areas: NODEDIFF - FidoNet nodelist (diff) NODELIST - Region 33 (ZIPped) ISNPTLST - Italian pointlist (from ISNMAIN) NET-LIST - Non FidoNet nodelist (diff) ===================================================================== ═══ 10.7. Compress Definition ═══ ; Example Compress.Cfg definition file ; ; If you are already using a Compress.Cfg file with other programs, ; you do not need this one. ; Just make sure you use the correct switches to avoid case mismatch ; with case sensitive archivers, as ZIP/UNZIP. ; ; The DOS prefix is for the NT version too. Archiver ARC Extension ARC Ident 0,1a OS2 Add arc aw5 %a %f DOS Add pkpak -oct a %a %f OS2 Extract arc ew %a %f DOS Extract pkunpak /r %a %f OS2 View arc vw %a DOS View pkpak v %a End Archiver DOS Archiver PAK DOS Extension PAK DOS Ident -2,fe DOS Add pak a %a %f DOS Extract pak e /wn %a %f DOS View pak v %a DOS End Archiver Archiver ZIP Extension ZIP Ident 0,504b0304 OS2 Add zip -jk %a %f ; store in uppercase DOS Add pkzip -a %a %f OS2 Extract unzip -qqnjC %a %f ; case insensitive extract DOS Extract pkunzip -n %a %f OS2 View unzip -v %a DOS View pkzip -v %a End Archiver Archiver LH Extension LZH Ident 2,2d6c68 ; "-lh" OS2 Add lh a %a %f DOS Add lha a /m %a %f OS2 Extract lh x %a %f /o DOS Extract lha e /m %a %f OS2 View lh l %a /v /o DOS View lha l %a End Archiver Archiver ARJ Extension ARJ Ident 0,60ea DOS Add arj a -e+ %a %f OS2 Extract unarj e %a %f DOS Extract arj e -n %a %f OS2 View unarj l %a DOS View arj l %a End Archiver Archiver RAR Extension RAR Ident 0,526172211a0700 Add rar a -ep -y %a %f Extract rar e -o- -y %a %f View rar v -y %a End Archiver